COVID-19 testing at Dodger Stadium (Photo: Twitter)
COVID-19 Case Rates and Deaths Fall Dramatically in California
The number of new COVID-19 cases in CA fell by 27.6% in the past week
By Evan Symon, February 15, 2021 8:50 pm
On Monday, Californian health officials announced that the number of new COVID-19 cases fell dramatically in the past week, falling by 27.6%.
According to data compiled by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), in the past week ending on February 14th, only 67,859 new positive test cases were reported, compared to 93,718 recorded in the previous week. The number of deaths has also gone drastically down from over 400 a day being recorded late last year to only around 200 a day this month. Overall positivity rates also fell significantly from earlier this month, from 5.4% to 3.7% being recorded last week.
Case numbers fell in 47 of the 58 California counties, including large declines being recorded in previously hard hit Southern Californian Counties such as Los Angeles County and San Diego County.
Monday’s new figuresĀ are expected to factor in to many counties reopening into a less severe COVID-19 tier in the coming weeks, as lower positivity rates and fewer numbers of new cases can lead to more openings in certain counties.
However, experts are warning that certain activities and businesses may take more time to fully reopen.
“Right now it’s tier-based to a certain extent,” Damon Lewis, a health consultant who has been advising reopening businesses, explained to the Globe. “For example, schools have been very finicky and keep asking when sports can fully resume, as the clock on many sports starting in time to play for a meaningful amount of time is waning. Everyone seems to want to bring sports back, but it’s being treated as more of a state rather than county matter. [Governor Gavin] Newsom has been accused of dragging his feet on reopening, even though colleges and the pros are playing. Same with the schools themselves. The government has been pushing for reopening, as have parents, but teachers unions have been acting like cowards, even though the risk of outbreaks are low.
“It will probably be until the end of the month to see any big change. If the past weekend of lunar new year and Valentine’s Day don’t result in any surges, we can be looking at a much friendlier reopening timetable.
“The new stats are great, and vaccines are coming, but we can’t be complacent just yet.”
As of Monday, California now ranks 25th in the nation in terms of COVID-19 virus spread, with the U.S. reporting a 22.9% positive case drop in the last week. Further drops overall in California and the United States are expected this coming week.
They’ll claim that people getting the “vaccine” (it’s not a vaccine at all, but rather gene therapy) is the reason for the decline. This, of course, is absurd considering the PCR test (which, according to the inventor, was never intended as a diagnostic tool) can be manipulated up or down and is completely useless.
Exactly! Manipulating numbers is how they made the Sheeple believe that the concoction worked in the first place. All they had to do was manufacture high numbers (and broadcast them on the idiot box), and then say that they started going down when the vaccine was rolled out. It worked like a charm! (and still is, of course)
Guess flu season is coming to a close mmmm?
Amazing what happens when WHO/CDC reduce the PCR cycle threshold and reduce the false positives.
I guess they couldn’t say rates are declining right after Biden was inaugurated. They had to wait at least a few weeks. Seems Covid cases are dropping everywhere. Go figure.
Last March CDC redefined science. Rather than following empirical data in the form of symptomatic cases, they quietly chose to follow a policy of test-based data, hypothetical cases. https://cf5e727d-d02d-4d71-89ff-9fe2d3ad957f.filesusr.com/ugd/adf864_411c766e79174b17b8911fcae08722b1.pdf
It’s way past time to open up for business!
All this time our Dear Leaders could have been emphasizing effective early-intervention treatment options and advertising those instead of the social-distance, mask-forever, hand-sanitize propaganda drill, but no. It doesn’t and hasn’t suited their agenda of keeping us locked down. Ridiculous and completely maddening
I am so sick of hearing people say we expect a “surge” after every holiday. I call BS!! Show me the real data and where it came from and until then take down your stupid COVID.CA.GOV website that is all unjustified false numbers! How much are we spending on that brainwashing web page? Remember when they were going to spend so much money and time on contact tracing, that was the “key to containment”? Hmmm, where did that money go because I have yet to see a true analytical report by a statistician or someone qualified to do so? Let’s see contact tracing from Newsom’s birthday bash at the French Laundry, shortly after he was in hiding, I mean quarantine, blaming it on the kids school.
Oh, and they reduced the numbers of PCR cycles … see how to fabricate a hoax?
I’m putting my money on the closer the Recall Newsom gets to 2 million signatures, the faster CA will open up for everything – gyms, schools, indoor dining. Funny (not ha ha) how it will work so – pay attention.
People will be held accountable for the monstrous lies and manipulation being done – and will continue to be done – for their own pathological purposes. The accountability and in turn, the deserving of what they get, will be done in this life or the next. But it will happen. And it will turn their current smugness and hubris into something that will be very painful to watch, no matter how loathsome the perp. And they are horrible creatures.
Agree with you, ToS, including what you said about how the accountability that ends the hubris will be very painful to watch. Interesting you don’t really ever hear that sort of observation.