Gov. Gavin Newsom at Monday 11/16/20 press briefing. (Photo: gov.ca.gov screen capture)
Gov. Newsom Proposes Statewide Unemployed Artist Funding
According to state budget proposal, $15 million would go to California Creative Corps for COVID-19 awareness
By Evan Symon, January 13, 2021 9:21 pm
Earlier this week, the California Arts Council portion of Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2021-2022 budget proposal was released, detailing a plan to create a $15 million artistry program that would start a COVID-19 outreach and safety encouragement campaign.
According to the budget, the California Creative Corps would “fuel positivity, regain public trust and inspire safe and healthy behavior across California’s diverse populations through a media, outreach, and engagement campaign.”
While the proposal does not go into many specifics, including how people would be hired, where the money would exactly go to, and how it would be utilized, it was noted that all state funding to the Corps would only match all other donations going into the program up to the full $15 million amount. Many other details would likely be the same as the program it is based off of: the San Francisco Creative Corps.
Begun in November of last year, the San Francisco Creative Corps is a pilot program that hired unemployed artists in the city and had them go out across the city to encourage mask wearing, PPE usage, safe social distancing, and other COVID-19 health and safety guidelines in unique ways. Created in conjunction with Mayor London Breed’s office, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, and the San Francisco Parks Alliance, the city funded the Corps of 60 unemployed artists and 30 visual artists with $250,000 for a period of two months.
“Many artists and performers are out of work due to COVID and are looking for ways to pay their bills and make a living while also pursuing their artistic interests,” stated Mayor Breed in November at the start of the program. “This new program supports artists financially while also reminding community members to stay safe this holiday season. San Francisco’s artists and cultural organizations are what make our city such a vibrant place, and we need to do all we can to support them. The Creative Corps is an innovate approach to help our artists during this difficult time, and will bring some joy and fun to public spaces throughout the City.”
While the program had mixed reactions with organizers hoping that it would be extended past January 3rd, the Corps ultimately was not extended further into January.
However, key people behind the San Francisco Creative Corps have said that the program goes beyond paying artists, with some supporters comparing it to helping build up the arts similar to the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the Great Depression and similar public arts programs in California during the 1970’s and 1990’s.
“We’re not here asking for handouts; we are here saying, ‘Use us in service.’ In this case, the crisis is public health. There are always going to be crises,” explained executive director of Californians for the Arts Julie Baker in a statement. “If this becomes permanent, the California Creative Corps can then help combat homelessness, the opioid crisis, climate change and wildfires. We can use the creativity of artists to heal and help communicate.”
California Creative Corps detractors
Detractors of the proposed program have pointed out that while the program would hire from a large pool of unemployed individuals, that funding to promote COVID-19 safety and other issues in the future could be better spent through health departments or other government organizations more closely related to the topic at hand.
“It’s $15 million,” said Los Angeles-based community funding advocate Dustin Kolb to the Globe. “Compared to the $227 billion of the budget, you know, it’s not much. But out of that pie, LA would get at least $3 million, easy. You know what $3 million could do in poorer areas of the city? You can buy good masks, you could pay for health officials to address school children remotely, you could do so much.”
“Art is one thing. If you pay for cool-looking masks, or masks with cartoons or something kids would want to wear and be easily encouraged to wear, that would go so much farther than hiring a bunch of people on stilts. You could even cycle that money through California-based companies for PPE to help local businesses and industries. Art is good for culture, for memorializing things, and other things that benefit the public. But right now, we need to continue to encourage people to be safe, and art may not work right if just done willy-nilly like it was in San Francisco. If it did work right, then why didn’t San Francisco continue the program?”
A decision on the California Creative Corps pilot program is expected by late June, though due to being related to COVID-19 funding, it may be decided on earlier for budget funding.
Gee, just like Andrew Cuomo doing a remote from Broadway to announce the same program in New York…
Interesting how these Democrat cretins coordinate their woke message to pander to their brain-dead emotion-driven minions…
Same way the teacher’s unions announce rolling strikes in tandem with one another…
Give the Democrat central-planning committee credit though… At least they’re organized and unified…
The Republicans could stand to learn a few things, but no, we’ve got Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney on our team…
Time for a Constitution Party….
OMG this dudes financial irresponsibility is just endless everyday without fail he is giving away millions/billions
Oh, stop it with the Marxist nonsense, Newsom.
Besides, it seems duplicative (not that you care about that) because many of our leftist municipalities already have thse ridiculous programs.
The hole you are digging for yourself is just getting deeper.
How about doing the right thing JUST ONCE?
That might help.
We need zillions of inspiring posters of the Great Leader….for the public school diseducated….search “cultural revolution posters” for artistic inspiration….attach one to your grant/welfare/stimulus/graft/EDD ghosted identity applications.
How can art combat homelessness, opiod crises, climate change, and wildfires? Only in California would 15 million go to artists to help heal and communicate. We don’t need art to educate us on masks and social distancing, its already been crammed down our throats for a year. Art can’t bring “joy and fun” to public places that are all shut down. What about the blind population? How about giving 15 million to the blind and deaf to help learn how to navigate through all Gavin’s BS and how their “new normal” has been such a struggle! How about 15 million to forestry management to combat wildfires? Anything but mask and social distance artwork? JUST ODD……Showandtell, the hole is getting bigger, I suggest we do some shovel art.
Oh Stacy, if only we could draw in this space I know we would create some outstanding shovel art. Ha!
As I recall aunt Nancy said to quit your job and do art when Obummer care passed. Now nephew Newsonlinni is funding their “art”.
Good memory — I remember that now.
In my town they arrange gang members in a Kumbaya circle at the non-profit “justice center” and have them paint, too, and that is supposed to fix everything. This has been going on for years. It’s disturbing how many go along with (and donate money) to this. It looks like the same nonsense, although not quite as bad, as what new L.A. County D.A. George Gascon touts. “Equity” and “Justice” are some of the words we hear from this crowd. How dare they misuse the word “justice” this way.
Great. I just became an unemployed artist. Where do I apply?