Orange County Health Agency Announces Student Contest to ‘Normalize Mask Wearing’
The health agency wants kids to learn ‘how awesome wearing a mask can be’
By Katy Grimes, October 25, 2020 10:36 am

“The Orange County Health Care Agency is launching a Mask Message Contest designed to engage OC students of all grades in an independent project to help normalize mask wearing,” the agency says on its website.
“With many teachers, parents and students struggling with changing school re-opening models, the OC Health Care Agency is offering a fun, creative contest for Orange County students to enter with the chance to win needed technology supplies for their schools.”
If ever there was admission that mask-wearing is not about preventing Coronavirus, this is it. “Normalizing” mask wearing isn’t normal. Telling healthy people to wear masks and quarantine, isn’t normal. Forcing children to wear face masks isn’t normal. And the people in charge should be scrutinized.
To “help normalize mask wearing” in the community, the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) in California has launched a contest for students that will award the winners thousands of dollars in technology grants for their schools, Epoch Times reported.
Students are being asked to have fun, get creative, and do their best to “make a project ‘that entertains and educates how awesome wearing a mask can be.’”
“For the projects, students are encouraged either to come up with a mask design that they think everyone will want to wear, explain why wearing a mask is important in a 300 to 400 word essay, or create an original video that shows the benefits of wearing a mask in 60 seconds or less.”
We want this contest to be as inclusive as possible,” said Dr. Clayton Chau, Director of the OC Health Care Agency and County Health Officer. “It is critical that students help to normalize mask wearing and understand the repercussions of a COVID-19 outbreak in the school system. The last thing we want is to have to close classrooms or schools, quarantine or have sick classmates and teachers.”
For Dr. Chau, who specializes in behavioral health, to create a program to “normalize” mask wearing in children, is incongruous. Chau was hired by OCHCA in April 2020. Chau came from Mind OC, which says “We will lead the nation in optimal mental health and wellness for all residents.”
The Orance County Board of Supervisors also threw in for the “normalizing” of mask wearing. But not one of them questioned why masks were key to getting kids back to in-classroom learning. Did they make a deal with the teachers union?
“It is critical that we continue to normalize responsible mask-wearing, particularly among our youth,” said Vice Chairman Andrew Do, First District, who launched the MaskUpOC contest in his district earlier this summer. “While every child is different, a lot of the times students may have an easier time adjusting to wearing a face mask when they see their classmates wearing one. I look forward to seeing all the artistic submissions from our youth.”
“We are counting on Orange County school children and teens to do everything they can to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, so we can get our County to the next tier level and open more schools for in-person learning,” said OC Board of Supervisor Chairwoman Michelle Steel.
“As I mentioned in a recent newsletter, many students and especially disadvantaged children need access to full-time school resources, so anything our Board can do to help promote safely re-opening our schools and economy, I’m all for it,” said Third District Supervisor Donald P. Wagner. “This is a creative way for students to help educate themselves and others on the simple steps we can take to keep each other safe.”
Fourth District Supervisor Doug Chaffee added, “This contest will not add additional burdens to our hard-working educational professionals. Rather, it’s designed as an independent study project that students are encouraged to complete all on their own. We’ve reached out to the Orange County Department of Education and they are fully supportive.”
Fifth District Supervisor Lisa A. Bartlett added, “I am very excited about this program and the opportunity it provides for our youth to express their creativity and, at the same time, deliver a very important message – please wear a mask! This is a great way for students to help their school earn valuable technology grants and have a fun time doing it!”
Have these elected County Supervisors ignored the studies clearly showing that children are not spreaders, and in a large study in Dresden, found that children may act as a brake on the virus.
Additionally, there is the recent CDC study which found that 85% of those studied who contracted Coronavirus wore a mask “all of the time” or “nearly all of the time.”
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Normalize masks like Mao normalized Mao suits? Yes lets us make all the kids paranoid basket cases over Covid and global warming. Public schools are TOXIC environments where liberals abuse children to advance communism.
Absolutely 100%. The education in our country is rigged (even higher education). I’m not even going to tell my kids to go get a 4-year degree. Go to a trade school. Take it from me… I got a liberal arts degree, had over a 4.0 GPA in high school, and I’m barely scraping by here in California. Who knows what it will look like 20 years from now when my kids will be college age. I’m planning on homeschooling them.
K, you’re terrific. I see a bright future ahead for you (and yours). 🙂
This is SICK. These public health officers are sick people. They are not about public health or public welfare (as we now know) and only want power and money. They were picked by County Supervisors all over the state apparently for that very reason and because they have the ability to deny facts and to lie, day after day, week after week, month after month, without shame or remorse.
To maintain their power they are willing to purposely harm and brainwash young people. It’s as if these people in power hate children and want to crush them. They fill their heads with lies, they try to make them say, and think, something that is absurd on its face like “wearing a mask is awesome;” they encourage them to embrace lies and be active participants in their own doomed future, calling it “creative.”
Where are the parents? Where are the adults? Has there been a backlash against this nonsense in Orange County? Do the Board of Supervisors hear themselves and how ridiculous they sound? The Orange County Board of Education is “fully supportive” of the project? Are you kidding?
Yes to all of your points, Showandtell. I truly believe that all of these “experts” or whatever were simply hand-picked. Some of the best people I know are people who get fired because they don’t follow along with dogma and aren’t willing to sell themselves. I also wonder how the adults are responding to this, but sadly I think most are going along with this so that we can “get through this” quicker. It’s a damn shame.
I agree that some of the best people I have known get fired or are willing to get fired and generally take a lot of blows from others who oppose them. They tend to be more focused on doing the right thing than anything else.
And I think you are right that the reaction of otherwise reasonable adults is not meant to be one of active destruction but a desire to get along and “get through” it quickly. Unfortunately not speaking up when necessary tends to lead to a lot of problems such as the mess we are in now.
…and here we go,down the slippery slope of groupthink and mind control…
Orwell would be proud…
“Able to function while suffocating” is the new ableism.
Normalize your face diaper by throwing it in the trash.
If they think masks are so great, why aren’t they wearing masks and social distancing in this photo???
Not really sure why you would be opposed to having people wear masks unless you wanna catch the ‘rona. Just sayin…
Katy, thank you for writing about this. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the author of this article realizes how abnormal universal masking is. I’m a resident of Orange County who’s been to several OC Board meetings to object to this public health tyranny. A faceless world is anti-human.