California COVID website. (Photo: covid19.ca.gov/)
Over 100,000 Californians Test Negative for COVID-19 in One Day
In June, more than 2 million negative Covid tests up from May with 1.2M
By Katy Grimes, July 1, 2020 10:06 am
Ahead of the July 4th weekend “and with numbers surging,” Gov. Gavin Newsom says he will tighten coronavirus restrictions and look to more strictly enforce them, with more specific announcements coming Wednesday, the Sacramento Bee reported Tuesday.

“It is our behaviors that are leading to these numbers,” Newsom says of the increase in COVID-19 positive rate. He neglects to say just how many hundreds of thousands of tests are being administered daily in the state, and he isn’t reporting the hundreds of thousands of negative test results – those “non-cases.”
There were over 100,000 Californians who tested negative for COVID-19 in one day. California for the month of June shows more than 2 million negative tests. That is up from May where we only had 1.2 million negative tests.
The chart below shows all of May and June 2020 starting with May 1st, 29, 648 total tests were administered, and of those there were 1,525 positive tests, and 28,123 negative tests, to June 30th ending, ramping up to 105,447 total tests administered with 6,367 positive tests, and 99,080 negative tests.
Yet media and special interest groups continue using scare tactics to sell advertisements and products such as this email California Globe received: “With cases of COVID 19 spiking across the US and state governments grappling with how to enforce social distancing, there is a renewed focus on contact tracing from coast to coast.”
There is no mention in the media of the millions of Californians who test negative for coronavirus.
As attorney Mark Meuser explains in this video, Gov. Gavin Newsom is using bad numbers to continue stay at home orders and the media helps cover it up. As Meuser explains, “Gavin Newson is misusing one statistic in order to continue to deprive Californians of their freedoms and liberties. Newsom relies 100% on the number that their are more positive test results. However, what Gavin is not telling you and the fact that the media is covering up is that Gavin is doing over twice as much testing which means more people are testing positive and a lot more people are testing negative. However, instead of presenting the evidence the way that it is supposed to be presented, instead of looking at all the data, Gavin Newsom is misappropriating his state of emergency powers so that he can continue to rule California as a king.”
Total Test | Positive Tests | Negative Test | |||
5/1 | 29,648 | 1,525 | 28,123 | ||
5/2 | 31,818 | 1,755 | 30,063 | ||
5/3 | 28,948 | 1,419 | 27,529 | ||
5/4 | 32,123 | 1,321 | 30,802 | ||
5/5 | 32,028 | 1,275 | 30,753 | ||
5/6 | 29,134 | 2,603 | 26,531 | ||
5/7 | 33,838 | 1,799 | 32,039 | ||
5/8 | 32,398 | 1,898 | 30,500 | ||
5/9 | 37,298 | 2,049 | 35,249 | ||
5/10 | 43,094 | 2,119 | 40,975 | ||
5/11 | 36,233 | 1,259 | 34,974 | ||
5/12 | 41,473 | 1,443 | 40,030 | ||
5/13 | 32,222 | 1,759 | 30,463 | ||
5/14 | 39,059 | 2,023 | 37,036 | ||
5/15 | 29,255 | 1,772 | 27,483 | ||
5/16 | 45,220 | 1,857 | 43,363 | ||
5/17 | 56,117 | 2,046 | 54,071 | ||
5/18 | 57,429 | 1,591 | 55,838 | ||
5/19 | 46,644 | 1,365 | 45,279 | ||
5/20 | 40,804 | 2,262 | 38,542 | ||
5/21 | 41,007 | 2,140 | 38,867 | ||
5/22 | 45,646 | 2,247 | 43,399 | ||
5/23 | 48,533 | 2,187 | 46,346 | ||
5/24 | 67,439 | 2,079 | 65,360 | ||
5/25 | 61,357 | 1,848 | 59,509 | ||
5/26 | 52,294 | 2,175 | 50,119 | ||
5/27 | 40,498 | 2,247 | 38,251 | ||
5/28 | 53,665 | 2,717 | 50,948 | ||
5/29 | 44,919 | 2,189 | 42,730 | ||
5/30 | 53,117 | 2,992 | 42,730 | 1,319,511 | |
5/31 | 56,253 | 3,705 | 52,548 | 1,250,450 | |
6/1 | 67,735 | 2,423 | 65,312 | ||
6/2 | 59,008 | 2,304 | 56,704 | ||
6/3 | 59,703 | 2,377 | 57,326 | ||
6/4 | 51,377 | 2,120 | 49,257 | ||
6/5 | 55,792 | 3,094 | 52,698 | ||
6/6 | 69,837 | 3,115 | 66,722 | ||
6/7 | 53,918 | 2,796 | 51,122 | ||
6/8 | 68,972 | 2,507 | 66,465 | ||
6/9 | 55,055 | 2,170 | 52,885 | ||
6/10 | 54,553 | 2,702 | 51,851 | ||
6/11 | 56,849 | 3,090 | 53,759 | ||
6/12 | 64,611 | 2,702 | 61,909 | ||
6/13 | 62,135 | 3,660 | 58,475 | ||
6/14 | 77,603 | 3,212 | 74,391 | ||
6/15 | 66,186 | 2,597 | 63,589 | ||
6/16 | 69,573 | 2,108 | 67,465 | ||
6/17 | 60,233 | 3,455 | 56,778 | ||
6/18 | 76,542 | 4,084 | 72,458 | ||
6/19 | 81,172 | 4,317 | 76,855 | ||
6/20 | 78,710 | 3,893 | 74,817 | ||
6/21 | 84,844 | 4,515 | 80,329 | ||
6/22 | 92,430 | 4,230 | 88,200 | ||
6/23 | 85,243 | 5,019 | 80,224 | ||
6/24 | 95,970 | 7,149 | 88,821 | ||
6/25 | 101,446 | 5,349 | 96,097 | ||
6/26 | 76,969 | 4,890 | 72,079 | ||
6/27 | 90,996 | 5,972 | 85,024 | ||
6/28 | 93,642 | 4,810 | 88,832 | ||
6/29 | 105,740 | 5,307 | 100,433 | ||
6/30 | 105,447 | 6,367 | 99,080 | 2,109,957 | |

EXCELLENT. Love this negative test result “non-cases” take on COVID. Important, revealing numbers and such a great way to make the point of the garbage we are being fed every single day. Previously unreported by any main media as far as I can tell and I do a survey of CA press nearly every day.
Agreed, Show and Tell.
This verifies that the data is being manipulated to support the narrative that we are headed into a resurgence!
And 3, 2, 1, here we go again…. Gov Gav, in his always incomprehensible and indecipherable noon remarks, just shut down 70% of the state again for three weeks. If you missed it, it’s because you are part of 99% of Californians who CANNOT STAND to hear his voice anymore.
But get this: He conveniently didn’t shut down his own Marin, nor most of the Bay Area!
Also conveniently, the phone system for reporters’ questions amazingly did not work after his statement. They tried to revive it three times, but it was no use. Just an unfortunate technical glitch, right? Right. How stupid do Gavin and the Gang think we are, anyway? But they just don’t care, do they.
OMG, I did not see this. Thank you for sharing. It is heir apparent he is on a huge power trip! His ego his bigger than his gelled out pompadour! He has officially stuck a fork in many businesses . California will have a very difficult time recovering from this.
I live in the SF bay area and we never got into the phase2 reopening in Alameda county. I only know of one county here that began to open shopping centers and indoor dining. This is pure insanity! #recallgavin2020
Wait a minute. If we are to believe the data and I do, and we are told to quarantine for 14 days and people do. Then EVERYONE from May 1 to June 16 are now negative. And such should be added to the “negative” total. Only those hospitalized should not be counted. And let’s says 2000 average per day for 45 days (May1 – June 15) is another 90,000 healthy people. We are being led around and being told to “be afraid” of this virus.
I personally don’t know anyone who has it as first hand acquaintance. Each day there has to be healthy people from positive tests 14 days earlier. You can’t keep adding up daily positive totals and never take them off the list. Just my opinion.
What is also happening is that one person who tests positive is then re-tested later, maybe four or five times. Each time is apparently counted as a “case,” even though it is only one person and only one “case.” That faulty counting adds up. Just another example of the screwy counting methods and why the numbers aren’t accurate and can’t be trusted.
Thank you for this chart. I pasted it into Excel and guess what? When you look at percentages of positive versus negative results, they have stayed statistically the same (hovering around 5%). So there’s no dramatic increase in anything–testing has gone up, so both numbers have gone up, postives and negatives, just as any logical person would expect!
Negative today is positive tomorrow. What a waste of numbers.
Cali June Covid Test Results
Total: 2,109,957
Positive: 112,334 – 5.32%
Negative: 1,997,623 – 94.68%
Are the raw numbers available anywhere?
btw what are the odds May 29 and 30 each have 42,730 negative results?
Do we know how many of the positives were asymptomatic?
Average positive for May was 4.82%
Average positive for June was 4.96%
A 0.14% increase
That smirking croaker belongs in prison.
Well, firstly, it’s very good that there is a negative trend in this virus and there is a chance of recovery for all citizens of our state! It’s great. I just do not agree with one comment and want to make a small correction. People sitting in quarantine for two weeks significantly reduce the risk of getting sick, and it is important to understand that all people after the sixteenth day will be negative and this is so. But by no means during this quarantine. Maybe I misunderstood you.