Gubernatorial candidate John Cox campaign photo (Photo: John Cox for Governor 2021)
Recall Candidate John Cox Solidifies Homeless Stance in Los Angeles Speech on Monday
‘Housing first is not compassionate – we need treatment first’
By Evan Symon, May 10, 2021 1:13 pm
Republican Recall Candidate John Cox continued his “Meet the Beast Bus Tour” on Monday outside the LA Dream Center in Los Angeles, focusing on homelessness and Governor Gavin Newsom, and the Globe was there.

(Photo: Evan Symon for California Globe)
In a speech similar to his 6 previous speeches on the tour, including his initial speech in Sacramento where he was joined by a live bear, Cox went after Newsom by repeatedly calling him “Beauty” or “Pretty Boy” in contrast with the “Beast” nickname he has been calling himself on the tour.
“What happened to California? Politics,” Cox asked Monday during his campaign stop. “Beauty over brains. Connections over accomplishments. I’m not from a political dynasty. I’m not Nancy Pelosi’s nephew. I didn’t grow up in the shadow of the Getty Villa. My own background was a little ugly.”
Cox, who previously lost to Newsom in the 2018 Gubernatorial race 62% to 38%, also brought up Newsom’s French Laundry incident from November of last year, where Newsom attended a dinner at an expensive Napa County restaurant, ignoring his own COVID-19 lockdown and mask orders, despite being near the peak of the pandemic and after Newsom repeatedly chastised Californians for not following the health rules.
“The Governor violated his own rules. The pretty boy went to the French Laundry. Pretty boy Gavin Newsom enjoyed $12,000 worth of wine with lobbyists while the number of homeless in California skyrockets. We need to make big, beastly changes to address the root causes of homelessness and fix our state.”
However, Cox also went into detail on how he would confront the homeless crisis in California. He offered up the the LA Dream Center, a non-profit network of community centers that offers homeless services, mobile food banks, and other community services, as a model for what the state needs more of. Specifically, he focused on the Center’s transitional housing programs for the homeless, veterans, those in foster care, and full families.
A ‘treatment first’ approach to homelessness

“Housing, homelessness, elections, the fires, the crime, the high taxes. Everything they run is mismanaged by these politicians, including the pretty boy Gavin Newsom.”
“We need solutions. We need long term solutions. We need to prevent the causes of these problems. That’s why I’m here today at the LA Dream Center. Compassion.”
“‘Housing first’ is not compassionate. We need treatment first. We need a private public partner. So many giving and good people in this state want to help.”
“The first job in this state I tackle is affordable housing along with homelessness.”
Cox then ended his speech by reiterating his “beauty and beast” analogy of him and Newsom.
“I’m going to be a beast on solving these problems. That’s why I’m running for Governor. We’ve seen what the beauty has done. Now is time to unleash the beast.”
Political analysts noted on Monday that Cox’s focus on the homelessness issue generally followed what he had previously said about this issue dating back to the 2018 Gubernatorial election.
“It was a boilerplate speech,” Michaela Monroe, a Los Angeles analyst who tracks candidates on their homeless stances, told the Globe. “Supporters will say that he hit the nail on the head in attacking Newsom and focusing on the problem of homelessness and going more for transitional housing rather than long-term temporary that doesn’t include transitioning over to permanent. Opponents will say that he’s dog-whistling again, and he’s leaving out a lot that isn’t being said, especially with needing treatment first. There’s a lot to read between the lines there.”
“Newsom, Faulconer, and Cox all have different approaches to the homeless crisis, and it’s a scale of more direct government support to more of a private or non-profit centric focus,” Monroe continued. “Cox’s speech today makes it clear he is more in the latter.”
Cox followed up his speech on Monday by taking a tour of the Center and volunteering in the Center’s cafeteria.
Cox’s bus tour is expected to continue through California this month, with other candidates currently gearing up for similar tours over the summer.
If you want to get to the bottom of California homelessness, you need to talk about Military and Intelligence drug-dumping in California communities.
“Once bitten, twice shy” probably covers the voter sentiment re John Cox. Sorry, but he needs to go away.
Please, Rick Grenell, announce you are running!
Really. He and others certainly teased the possibility — wish he would come through!
Hey John…lose the white shirt, get a new doo, an ear ring and a tatoo!
The Dream Center is run by evangelical christians. His solution is to have them run things? Seriously? That’s his solution?
I would vote for the bear but not Cox.
No kidding — with the bear we might have a chance.