Tag: 2020 Presidential Election
Tabulating the Results: What Time Will A Winner Be Declared
In the last several major elections in California, the times when a major winner was declared in the race, or when enough votes were tabulated for a projection, have varied wildly. With early voting and by-mail ballots now becoming more...
Deja Vu All Over Again: Tight California Congressional Races Still Up in the Air
As the counting of ballots continues in California until Dec. 11, 2020, many in the state wonder if 2020 will be a deja vu of 2018, the year of the ballot harvesting slaughter in Orange County. In 2018, ballot harvesting...
2020 California General Election Results: UPDATED
Updated: 4:10 AM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes Updated 5:20AM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes Updated 5:45AM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes* Updated 1:40PM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes Updated 2:00PM PST 11/4/2020 — Katy Grimes The Presidency hinges on...
Michael Bloomberg Calls California a ‘Model’ for the Rest of the Country
At a press conference in Los Angeles on Monday, former New York City Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg announced that California would serve as a model for running the country should he become president. “I think that California...
California Congressional Delegation Figures Prominently in House Vote to Adopt Rules for Impeachment Proceedings
“This is not about the Republican Party; this is about the Republic.” ~House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy As House Democrats “rammed a package of ground rules for their impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump through a sharply divided House...
San Francisco Power Broker Willie Brown Jilts Kamala Harris for Hillary Clinton
As the powerful Speaker of the California Assembly from 1980 to 1995, Willie Brown gave a BMW to his girlfriend Kamala Harris, 30 years his junior, and appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission....