Tag: AB 2257
AB 5 Was Repealed and the Legislature Didn’t Create the Problem
Did this 2-part headline get your attention? When did the Legislature repeal AB 5? And, how did the Legislature not create the problem? As a self-professed “legislative geek,” I wanted to set the record straight about AB 5 and worker...
AB 5 ‘Fix:’ New Exemptions Added to California’s Independent Contractor Law
As many are aware, Assembly Bill 2257, by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 4 as Chapter 38. As an urgency measure, the statute took effect immediately. AB 2257 repealed Labor Code Section...
Bills to Weaken AB 5 Face Senate Hearings
AB 5, the controversial independent contractor redefinition bill, has become closer to allowing numerous exemptions through two bills awaiting passage in the Senate. More exemptions under AB 1850 and AB 2257 Assembly Bill 1850 and Assembly Bill 2257, both authored by Assemblywoman...