Tag: Affordable Care Act
California Assemblyman Introduces Bill to End All Taxpayer Funding of Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants
As the Globe recently reported, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s final expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal went into effect Monday, January 1, 2024, making more than 700,000 illegal immigrants residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full health care coverage – at...
January 1st brings Health Care for All Illegal Immigrants, and Crazifornia’s Universal Health Care
In 2019, California achieved another first, but it was not something to crow about. California became the first state to provide taxpayer-funded health coverage to illegal aliens age 19 to 25, when Democrats and Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the state budget....
Gov. Newsom Marches California Toward Socialized Health Care in Labor Union Sponsored Bill
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Saturday that braces California for universal healthcare – most notably – as a single-payer system that leftists have been agitating for. This is clearly a march toward fully socialized, government-run health care. “The law...
Sen. Wiener’s Socialized ‘Health Care for All’ Plan Will Force All Californians Out of Their Health Plans
Everyone wants access to good quality, timely and affordable health care. What we experienced during the COVID years with business lockdowns and closures was anything but good quality, timely and affordable health care. And California’s health care groups and hospital...
‘Let’s Make a Deal:’ Newsom Admin. Inks Backroom Deal With Kaiser for Statewide Medi-Cal Health
Only days after California’s proposed Single Payer state-controlled health care bill failed to even get to a vote on the Assembly floor last week, a medical industry news website announced “California inks sweetheart deal with Kaiser Permanente, jeopardizing Medicaid reforms.”...
State-Controlled Health Care Bill Fails in California Assembly
Monday’s legislative deadline for passage of California’s proposed Single Payer state-controlled health care, Assembly Bill 1400, came and went. It did not make it to the finish line despite threats progressive activists made to moderate lawmakers. As Fox 40 reported...