Tag: Andrew Do
Will Moorlach Overcome Anti-Party Group on Tuesday?
The California Republican Party, down but not out, in recent years realized only unity could lead to victory against the ruthless and repressive Democratic dominance. The resurgence began under state party Chairman Jim Brulte, and commendably has continued under current...
Disneyland to Become Massive COVID-19 Vaccine Inoculation Center
On Monday, the Orange County Board of Supervisors announced that the first large, “super Point-of-Dispensing” (POD) site for the COVID-19 vaccine will be set up in Disneyland. Disneyland now joins other large-scale areas in different counties currently being utilized as...
Orange County: The Most Veteran Friendly County In California
“To care for him who shall have born the battle, and for his widow and his orphan,” Abraham Lincoln famously stated. No truer words have been spoken when it comes to ensuring to our active duty and their families, our...
Orange County Health Agency Announces Student Contest to ‘Normalize Mask Wearing’
“The Orange County Health Care Agency is launching a Mask Message Contest designed to engage OC students of all grades in an independent project to help normalize mask wearing,” the agency says on its website. “With many teachers, parents and students...
Two GOP Lawmakers Take Issue with Trump’s Vietnamese Immigrant Proposal
In an act taken by congress in 2008, the United States Government agreed to allow Vietnamese immigrants to stay in the country without fear of being deported if they could prove they arrived before July 12, of 1995. However now,...