Tag: budget surplus
Pitching Projects for Budget Funding
Part of the California budget process, certainly when the State’s General Fund enjoys a surplus of revenues, is for legislators and interested parties to pursue funding for a specific project in California. For example, proponents may desire funding for a...
Will Taxpayers be Robbed (Again) in 2022?
And “historic” is the right word for California’s staggering tax windfall. Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced he expects the state to be sitting on a budget surplus of nearly $100 billion this year. That spare mountain of money equals the...
New UC Berkeley Poll Finds Gov. Newsom Losing Ground With Voters
A poll released Tuesday by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies shows California Governor Gavin Newsom’s approval rating is sinking across most voter groups. Most Californians won’t be surprised why: continuing COVID restrictions two years in, never-ending mask mandates on...
Leg Analyst Projects California Will Have $31 Billion Budget Surplus Next Year
According to the 2022-2023 California state budget Fiscal Outlook report compiled by the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) on Wednesday, California will have a $31 billion surplus next year. This marks the second budget year in a row where a large...
California’s $7 Billion Surplus – Part I: The Rosier Side of the Surplus
The California Legislative Analyst’s Office found that the state will have an extra $7 billion that wasn’t spent in the budget. And by 2021 there can be as much as $18 billion in the state’s general fund. This is a...
Newsom Wants Tax on Water for ‘Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund’
Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed a tax on drinking water throughout the state to help poor communities in California deal with contaminated water systems. Newsom’s plan to establish a “safe and affordable drinking water fund” is in his budget proposal,...