Tag: CalEPA
The Uncertain Future of Brownfield Redevelopment in California
The Center for Creative Land Recycling estimates that California faces the challenge of managing approximately 200,000 brownfield sites – underutilized, abandoned, or contaminated properties, often resulting from industrial activities. While these sites present opportunities for urban redevelopment, environmental remediation, economic...
Supreme Court Deals Blow to U.S. Climate Agenda with EPA Decision
The Supreme Court on Thursday curtailed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to set standards on climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions for existing power plants. The court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA says that government doesn’t have the power to...
State Scientists Say Gov. Newsom Isn’t Using Science in Lockdown Decisions
The State of California employs more than 4,000 scientists in various agencies: Department of Public Health, CalEPA, Dept. of Natural Resources, and many more. However, the Globe interviewed some of these scientists after learning that Governor Gavin Newsom has not...
California’s Four Water Entities: What’s the Difference?
California has four water-related entities: California Water Commission, California Water Quality Monitoring Council, Department of Water Resources, State Water Resources Control Board. What are the differences? California Water Commission In Water Code Division 1, Chapter 2, Article 2, Section 150,...
CalEPA Building Has a Rat Infestation; ‘Catch-and-Release’ Isn’t Working
Wednesday morning, CBS13 reported that the California Environmental Protection Agency headquarters building in downtown Sacramento has been fighting a rat infestation for more than five weeks. Apparently their “environmentally friendly” modes of rattus-rattus eradication have not worked. “After weeks of...
CalEPA and California Air Board Exempted In Budget From Open Meetings Law – Again
The Omnibus Resources Trailer Bill for 2019-20, contains various statutory changes “necessary to implement the Budget Act of 2019.” Yet it contains language exempting a commission of the California Air Resources Board and CalEPA from the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act,...