Tag: California Rifle and Pistol Association
Assembly Judiciary Committee Passes Bill To Allow Firearm Industry to be Sued by Governments and Victims
A bill to make it easier for local governments and gun violence victims to sue gun makers was introduced in the Assembly on Tuesday. Assembly Bill 1594, authored by Assemblymen Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Chris Ward (D-San Diego) and Mike...
Bill To Make It Easier To Sue Gun Makers and Dealers Introduced in Assembly
A bill to make it easier for local governments and gun violence victims to sue gun makers was introduced in the Assembly on Tuesday. Assembly Bill 1594, authored by Assemblymen Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Chris Ward (D-San Diego) and Mike...
Federal Judge Overturns California’s 32-year Ban on Assault Weapons
District Judge Roger T. Benitez threw out California’s 32-year ban on assault weapons Friday, while also clarifying the deliberate and incorrect use of the label “assault weapon.” In the case of the AR-15, “AR” stands for “Armalite Rifle,” named after...
Gov. Jerry Brown and Democrats Gutted CA Criminal Justice System While Passing Scores of Gun Control Laws
Within minutes of the most recent mass shootings, breathless reporters and opportunistic lawmakers began calling for more gun control laws. In their haste for politically correct stories, and with visions of legacy legislation dancing in their heads, they neglected to...
Gun Owners of CA Joins First Major 2nd Amendment SCOTUS Case In Ten Years
As several new gun control bills passed out of the California Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday, I spoke with Sam Paredes, Executive Director of Gun Owners of California. “It was an ugly day,” Paredes said. However, Gun Owners of California may...
Second Amendment Endorsements Roll in for State Legislators
The California Rifle and Pistol Association rolled out a long list of political endorsements today. The nonprofit organization said “CRPA is proud to endorse these outstanding candidates for the state legislature who support the Second Amendment.” Some of the politicians listed...