Ringside: Twelve Scarcity Enabling Laws to Scrap
Last week, as a representative of the California Policy Center, I had the opportunity to testify before a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee at a hearing on the topic of “California Fires and the Consequences of Overregulation.” While my remarks...
Ringside: The Fire Next Time
Given our mission to review and recommend water and energy policies and projects, it would be negligent to ignore the horrific firestorms that have torn through Los Angeles County. And before beginning, we must acknowledge that no amount of preparation...
Sites Reservoir Project Appellate Court Victory Over Environmental Groups
The Sites Reservoir project moved forward on Friday following an appellate court agreeing with California and the Sites Project Authority, rejecting a CEQA lawsuit against the Sites Reservoir project. While the Sites Reservoir had been proposed off and on since...
Ringside: How to Achieve Water Abundance in California
A study released in May, The Magnitude of California’s Water Challenges, anticipated annual statewide water supply losses in the coming decades as follows: ending groundwater overdraft 2-3 million acre-feet (MAF), less from the Colorado River 0.5-0.8 MAF, climate change 1-3 MAF,...
Ringside: Only Unity Can Challenge Environmentalism, Inc.
The California Environmental Quality Act was passed by the state legislature in 1971. At that time, it was the first legislation of its kind in the nation, if not the world. Its original intent was to “inform government decision makers and...
Sen. Wiener Wants to Ditch State Environmental Review for San Francisco Building Projects
A bill to exempt all San Francisco building projects within a certain area of the city from the California Environmental Quality Act for ten years was introduced in the Senate on Friday. CEQA is a law that requires significant environmental...