Tag: charter school
Fixing K-12 Education in California
Supporters of education reform in California have never had a bigger opportunity than right now. More parents than ever have now witnessed the selfish overreach of the teachers’ unions, at the same time as they’ve experienced, by the millions, creative...
Orange County Classical Academy Excels Despite COVID
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck hard back in April 2020, California’s teachers’ unions went into overdrive. The United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) released a lengthy document outlining what they believed to be “Safe and Equitable Conditions for Starting LAUSD in...
A Schools Choice Organization Is Gathering Signatures For the Education Freedom Act
School choice advocates are gathering signatures and raising awareness for the Education Freedom Act, a proposition slated to go before voters in 2022. The statewide initiative would allow parents more control over how their children are educated. This initiative comes...