The California Globe has generally resisted endorsing candidates or initiatives. Our sense is that trust in the media is so low that declaring our opinion on one page and then covering the news straight on the next naturally gives rise...
A new poll released by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce on Thursday found that 67% of city voters approve of recalling San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin – almost exactly on par with previous polls dating back to March....
The Recall DA George Gascon campaign announced on Wednesday that more than 450,000 signatures have been collected as of May 13th, closing in quickly on the 566,857 needed and the safety goal of 800,000 that the group wants to submit...
Law enforcement concepts, like so many other things in life, tend to shift in the wind. Until rather recently, most of California had embraced a “tough on crime” approach – including three strikes laws and – in many jurisdictions –...
California makes international news almost every day. In the past it was mostly about Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the great weather, or some wacky new trend like intimate suntanning. But now the Golden State is known worldwide as a place to...
According to a new poll released by the San Francisco Standard and Embold Research on Thursday, support for Measure H, the recall against San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, remains high less than a month before the vote on June...
At a local level, District Attorneys in California arguably have more power to impact day to day lives and events than does the Attorney General. And nowhere have we seen the impact of this direct influence more than in Los...