Tag: COVID lockdowns
Suspicious Minds: Gov. Newsom’s Fishy ‘Bird Flu’ State of Emergency
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency over the Bird Flu – with less than one week before Christmas, and many upcoming turkey dinners. Here are...
Teen OPINION: 90 Days to the Most Important Election of our Lifetime
The ticket to destruction. We are less than 90 days to the most important election of our lifetime, I think the most important election of our country. You have to choose to repair our country or watch it fall forever....
What is Gov. Newsom’s California Climate Action Corps and Why is He Expanding It?
California Governor Gavin Newsom, who isn’t running for President, refuses to seriously address what ails his state, instead focusing on shady, unaccountable, immeasurable issues like climate change, and the “equity” hoax. Newsom created the California abortion sanctuary state, legalized abortion/infanticide...
Ferrer Censorship Lawsuit Heading to Final Arguments
Can the government block public speech? In theory, no, absolutely, of course not. There’s this thing called the Frist Amendment that makes that abundantly clear. In practice, though, agencies across the nation have clearly been doing so for some time...
Remember Gov. Newsom’s 2020 Thanksgiving Stay-Home, No ‘Gatherings’, and Curfew Order
It was only three years ago when Governor Gavin Newsom defied his own idiotic COVID edicts as he partied at the French Laundry restaurant in Napa, one of the few restaurants he failed to force out of business. Shortly after...
Gavin Newsom Lied to Chuck Todd on ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday
Sunday, Gavin Newsom lied to Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” saying that “we didn’t know what we didn’t know” when it came to the pandemic. No, Gavin – you knew. You knew the low health risk of COVID to...