Tag: Delta Conveyance
Ringside: Water Czars Ignore Solutions to Scarcity
The Delta Tunnel proposal exemplifies California’s political dysfunction. It will probably never get built, but it promises to dominate all discussions of major state and federal spending on water infrastructure for the next decade, preventing any other big ideas from...
Ringside: California’s Dubious Megaprojects
It would be inaccurate to suggest that California’s state Legislature can no longer think big. They can, and as such they are carrying on a tradition that two generations ago gave us the best universities in the world, expressways and...
Flawed Delta Tunnels Project Takes Big Financial and Legal Hit
The controversial Delta Conveyance Project, which would install a massive tunnel to move water under the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, took a major financial and legal hit this week, after a Sacramento County judge ruled California can’t issue bonds to...
After Killing Delta Tunnels in 2019, Gov. Newsom Resurrects the Behemoth Jobs Project
In 2019, shortly after taking office, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that he did not support former Gov. Jerry Brown’s $19 billion plan to build two massive tunnels under the San Joaquin River Delta. He said he was a one-tunnel guy....
CA Twin Tunnels Project Officially Dead
The Department of Water Resources today withdrew its permit application before the State Water Resources Control Board for the twin tunnels project, known as the California WaterFix, and submitted notice to begin planning for a single tunnel conveyance project. They are...