Tag: Dr. Pete Mazolewski
California Doctor Shares Legitimate Misgivings With State and County COVID Response
I am a highly concerned Contra Costa County citizen, father, and doctor. I fear for the “health” of our county, and therefore I with other highly competent physicians, recently asked Contra Costa County Public Health Director Dr. Chris Farnitano legitimate...
Who Are California’s Winners and Losers of 2020?
While 2020 has been a perfectly horrible year thanks to abusive politicians, the gross mismanagement of the coronavirus, job loss and business closures, and the tanking of the economy, not all politicians are corrupt or obsessed with power. However, the...
Doctors Challenge Contra Costa Public Health Officials: One Doc Gets ‘Removed,’ Two Reprimanded
Three John Muir Hospital physicians recently sent a letter to Dr. Chris Farnitano, Contra Costa Public Health Doctor, challenging several crucial issues surrounding the state and county health officials’ handling the COVID-19 virus in California, and the data being manipulated...