Tag: drought prevention
Sacramento County Board of Supes Announces ‘Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force’
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors just voted to appoint 13 members to the newly created Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force, following their declaration of a climate emergency. On Dec. 16, 2020 while California residents were under Covid lockdown orders, “the...
California’s Water Crisis Lingers as Gov. Newsom Vacations in Costa Rica
How can California have a water crisis when the state borders the Pacific Ocean, and the Sierra Nevada mountain range, 400 miles north-south and 50 miles to 80 miles east–west, drains into more than 15 rivers, 6 lakes, and numerous...
Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California’s Folsom Lake Reservoir
Following the Globe article Friday about the state draining reservoirs even with the dry year California is facing, we noted that California’s largest reservoirs less than two years ago were absolutely teeming with water from 107% to 145% of average....
Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs
“In the last 14 days, 90% of Delta inflow went to sea. It’s equal to a year’s supply of water for 1 million people. #ManMadeDrought,” Central Valley farmer Kristi Diener said. Diener, a California water expert and farmer, has been...
$4.2 Billion Climate Bond Bill Receives a Renewed Push After Stalling Last Year
A renewed effort to pass a bill to put a $4.2 billion bond on the November ballot to help combat various climate and environmental dangers in California is currently underway by several Senators and Assemblymembers in Sacramento. A $4.2 billion...