And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. ~Jesus, John 8:32 This article is a paradox. Its theme is pestilence (Covid-19), fire and brimstone (burning down of LA), floods (North Carolina), illegal aliens, drug and...
Back in the 1990’s, I penned my first in a series of articles dealing with the subject matter of “Fires, Floods, and Fools,” a never-ending cycle in California. Having lived through the 1969 flood and countless fires, it was a...
Not quite one year ago, Gavin Newsom did something that took political courage. It was also the right thing to do. He removed from one of the state’s local water boards one of the most outspoken critics of a desalination plant proposed...
During his swearing in on January 7, 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom wowed the crowds at his inauguration. But many wondered about his intentions following eight years as a frustrated and even bored California Lieutenant Governor. Newsom did not disappoint in...
“My campaign is about the Country and the People. I’m not a party hack,” says Andy Caldwell. “I’ve been a Democrat half my life, and a Republican for half my life – but I am an American first.” Caldwell is...