The City of Los Angeles has embarked upon an aggressive and novel plan: provide housing for all of the city’s homeless. The inherent problem with the plan is obvious: the more you provide, the more you incentivize homeless people to...
Editor’s Note: The Globe received this letter to Governor Gavin Newsom and wants our readers to enjoy it as well. Dear Gov. Newsom, I would like to humbly submit the entries below for the California Innovation Coin Contest. Under your...
In a first for California’s jungle primary system, the 16th House District race fell to a tie for second place on Wednesday. Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) and Santa Clara County Supervisor and former state Senator Joe Simitian (D) currently both...
If I was a “progressive” governor and wanted to destabilize and destroy my state, there are certain policies I would impose, and orders I’d make, while insulating myself from my own policies: Create a housing shortage. Cut water off to...
Friday morning, 27-year-old Resendo Tellez (allegedly) stole a severed human leg from a train accident near the Wasco train station. And that’s not the worst thing he did that morning – video of the man shows him seeming to take...
Current San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria and San Diego police office Larry Turner officially moved on from the primary election for San Diego Mayor on Thursday, with the two now set to face each other this November in the General...
A large Secretary of State voting count update late on Wednesday pushed the U.S. House 16th District primary race to be the closest in the state, with Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) and Santa Clara County Supervisor and former state Senator...