Tag: Inside Safe
As Crisis Grows Worse Under Mayor Bass, LA City Council Extends Homeless Emergency Declaration
The Los Angeles City Council extended the city’s homeless emergency declaration on Tuesday, while also tightening the leash on Mayor Karen Bass’ Inside Safe initiative by asking for more frequent reports on how the floundering program is going. Chief Administrative...
LA Mayor Bass’ $1.3 Billion Homeless Spending Budget Proposal Draws Criticism
LA Mayor Karen Bass’ $1.3 billion homeless department and fund budget for the coming year continued to draw criticism on Tuesday from many involved with homeless services, with many noting that the Mayor is focusing too much on her Inside...
LA Mayor Karen Bass Gives State Of The City Address
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass gave her first State of the City address on Monday, unveiling her plans for the city for the next year on issues ranging from homelessness to public safety to infrastructure issues. Speaking from LA City...
The Failings of LA Mayor Bass’ Inside Safe Homeless Initiative
For the last several months, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass’ Inside Safe Project, a “housing first” homelessness initiative that places many in hotels and motels, has been in operation in LA. While the Globe has reported that many, especially the...
LA Motel Owners Fight Back Against Mayor Bass’ Homeless Housing Plans
A new initiative by Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass to move the homeless into hotels and motels across the city while affordable housing units are built received stiff resistance from hotel and motel owners this week. They say they will...