Despite her status as a suspected felon, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon’s “Ethics and Integrity Assistant District Attorney,” Diana Teran is still on the public payroll and getting paid – a lot, in fact. Since she was charged with...
When does a 75 years to life prison term not really mean 75 years to life? When Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is involved. In 2018, peripatetically homeless woman Nancy Jackson eradicated a family in Leimert Park – in...
In the before time – the long long ago – when a Los Angeles juvenile committed an especially egregious crime he (do not complain about the pronouns in this article – they’re mostly guys) faced the possibility of being prosecuted...
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon is what is known as a decarcerationist. That means he wants as few people in jail as possible. The theory – birthed in academia – has gained steam of late amongst the progressive...
Rudy Paz is now 25 years old and he is facing a slew of child molestation charges, including allegations he molested boys as young as four years old. But Rudy Paz – if found guilty – may see his sentence...
A Los Angeles judge today turned aside the request of cop killer Jesse Gonzales’ effort to go free. Though he was aided and abetted by the office of Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon, Gonzales’ latest ploy – a...