Tag: Legislative Session
Categories of Bills per Legislative Session
In reviewing bills over the past sixteen years in the California Legislature, I compiled the following chart which includes some of the common categories of bills. The chart is broken down by session year and number of bills introduced. Thereafter,...
Chart of 72-Hour Bills in the California Legislature
Since the voters of California adopted Proposition 54 at the November 2016 General Elections, bills in the California Legislature must be “in print” and available on the Internet in their “final form” for at least 72 hours before a Floor...
Frequently Asked Questions about the Last Part of the Legislative Session
What generally happens in the last part of the California Legislative Session? The final weeks of the Legislative Session are a proverbial sprint to the finish line. Policy committees have finished the bulk of their work, but many bills get...
Frequently Asked Questions about the Parts of a California Legislative Resolution
Which Legislative Session is designated? At the top of each resolution, the following language appears: “California Legislature – 2019-2020 Regular Session.” The only two items that change would be the 2-year Legislative Session, and if there is an Extraordinary Session...
A Look at Recent Suspense File Actions
Recently, the Assembly and Senate Appropriations Committees have been taking four possible actions on measures pending on their respective Suspense Files during the first year of the Legislative Session: Do Pass; Do Pass as Amended; 2-year Bill; or Hold in...
The Use of Floor Alerts in the California Legislature
As part of lobbying efforts in the California Legislature, when a bill reaches the Floors of either the State Assembly or the State Senate, lobbyists and lobbying organizations often utilize “floor alerts” for distribution to legislative offices. Are these helpful...