Tag: Mark Meuser
Ignoring the GOP: How Media is Dismissive of GOP Candidates on 2024 Senate Election
Recent polls for the 2024 California U.S. Senate election have shown that GOP candidates are doing better than expected. Berkeley IGS and FM3 polls last month showed that Republican Attorney Eric Early is leading the primary race currently thanks to...
A California Voters Guide by a Former California Elected Official
Obviously this a purely personal opinion for entertainment purposes only and your mileage may vary or appear larger in the mirror even if it’s not actually a doctor and hasn’t ever played one on television. On the propositions, no. On the...
New Poll Has Incumbents Showing Strong Primary Leads For Gubernatorial, Senate, AG
A U.C. Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) poll covering the Gubernatorial, Senate, and Attorney General primary races was released on Friday, showing a strong preference among voters for Democratic incumbents, albeit with a larger than expected percentage of projected...
Conservatives Notice Thousands of Twitter Followers Restored After Elon Musk Purchase Announcement
The purchase of Twitter for $44 billion by Tesla CEO and billionaire Elon Musk announced Monday caused a huge ripple across media and social media. And almost immediately, Pundits and news hosts on conservative media, politicians and candidates announced their suspended...
Senator Padilla Announces Full-Term Senate Run for 2022
U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA) announced on Tuesday that he would be running for a full-term in the Senate this year, a decision that most political experts have been expecting for months. Padilla, who had previously served in the Los...
U.S. Senate Candidate Stumbles on Hornets Nest over Facebook Post
California Attorney Mark Meuser is running for U.S. Senate. Many Californians recognize Meuser for his work with attorney Harmeet Dhillon and the Center for American Liberty, and the civil rights representation they have provided. Recently Meuser announced on Facebook he...