As President Joe Biden bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Cecile Richards last week (she’s the former president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 2006 to 2018), David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress released an horrific...
“Can we just be unburdened from VP Kamala Harris?” is a frequent question on X/Twitter these days. Whether the topic is electric school buses, a Venn Diagram, or the passage of time, Vice President Kamala Harris dishes up said topics...
This is a reprint of an article I wrote in September 2018 about Kamala Harris – at the time she was a recently-elected U.S. Senator from California. The California legacy media chose to ignore her real record as San Francisco...
The Boy Scouts of America just announced it will rebrand itself with a new theme and new name: “Scouting America.” The Scouts once known as “Boys” says it is “reflecting the organization’s ongoing commitment to welcome every youth and family...
As battles rage between local school districts in California and the state Attorney General Rob Bonta regarding whether or not schools should notify parents if their child identifies as transgender or nonbinary at school, I think it’s strange—as a California...
In gender “neutral” California, why mandate equal pay for women, as First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom is advocating? For that matter, in gender “neutral” California, why mandate more women on boards? That is the question we asked in 2019 when...
A Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School Board meeting vote that would have decided on whether or not to open up a Planned Parenthood clinic at a local high school was delayed on Monday after hundreds of protesters showed up outside the...