Tag: Proposition 26
A California Voters Guide by a Former California Elected Official
Obviously this a purely personal opinion for entertainment purposes only and your mileage may vary or appear larger in the mirror even if it’s not actually a doctor and hasn’t ever played one on television. On the propositions, no. On the...
Latest PPIC Poll: Newsom Lead Slightly Diminishing, Major Props Likely To Fail
The last Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) poll before the election was released on Thursday, showing Newsom’s lead in the Gubernatorial race slip below 20 points, as well as many key propositions on the ballot failing by wide margins....
Court Opens Up Big Prop.13 Loophole for ‘Public Franchise Fees’
Two recent court cases have created a contested loophole in property-tax related Propositions 13, 26 and 218 which would cause a legal and actual tax earthquake in California. Cities have already started to impose legally unhinged toll booth-like charges, called...