It’s in the job title: Planner. Most government planners – pretty much the transport and housing sectors are what we are discussing today – became planners to meet their personal need to impose order on chaos, to improve society, and,...
Article 34, dealing with public housing, was added to the California Constitution by Proposition 10 that was adopted by the voters on November 7, 1950. This article contains the following four sections: Section 1 – No low rent housing project...
Article 34 of California’s Constitution requires local voter approval for public housing projects. However, this may be repealed in 2020 if supporters of a bill backing the repeal get it approved. The need for more low income housing SCA 1,...
Whether or not San Francisco’s upcoming appeal to voters to borrow $600 million to pay for for low income housing is a good idea or a bad idea depends on who you ask. Proponents claim Prop. A, which will appear on...