Tag: reservoirs
Water and Drought Deceit: More Dubious Policies California Lawmakers Continue to Perpetrate
Food or Fish, Liberty or Oppression, Victim or Fighter? We Californians have many decisions to make about our future. In Climate Deceit and Dubious Policies California Lawmakers Continue to Perpetrate, we addressed unreliable solar and wind power, and China’s influence...
If California is Facing a Rare Mega-Drought, Why is the State Releasing Water from Reservoirs
Last week, when California Gov. Gavin Newsom was in Oroville, with a 60% empty Oroville Dam Reservoir as his backdrop, he said he is not ready to declare an official drought emergency. “Instead, he promised he can manage the situation...
California Releasing Water from Reservoirs, Claiming Drought Conditions
AccuWeather reports a snow survey in California revealed that the state only received about 50% of its average precipitation during the 2021 water year, tying it for its third-driest on record. As for water storage, AccuWeather says: Lake Shasta, California’s largest...
ACA 3 is Guaranteed Funding Formula For Desperately Needed California Water
With the threat of a new water tax looming, California Assemblyman Devon Mathis says he has a better long term plan. Mathis, a Republican from Visalia, CA, is proposing Assembly Constitutional Amendment 3 that would annually set aside 2 percent...