“Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is being accused of playing Chicago-style politics,” writes Theresa Clift in the Sacramento Bee, “seeking retribution against two critics on the City Council by ignoring their districts in a $16 million spending proposal.” According to the...
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s May Revise budget proposes an additional $650 million in spending on the state’s homeless, bring the grand total to $1 billion “to fight California’s homelessness crisis.” Newsom’s press release said, “The budget would increase emergency aid for...
California has roughly 134,000 homeless people, amounting to one-quarter of the nation’s total homeless population. In Will $1 Billion Spending on California’s Homeless Fix the Problem?, California Globe covered a myriad of issues surrounding California’s homeless explosion including how tiny...
Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, 70, recently went on record that she was still in love with her idol Charles Manson. “Was I in love with Charlie?” she told ABC News “Yeah, oh yeah, oh, I still am, still am. I don’t...
In California, the birthplace of the high-tech industry, lawmakers want to know why the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles can’t manage to put a reliable computer system in place. Assemblyman Jim Patterson (R-Fresno) called for an audit of California’s Department...
In the middle of a housing crisis, the Sacramento City Council is considering implementing rent control. Many people could be seen coming in and out of Sacramento’s City Hall building late Tuesday evening as the council held a five hour...
California scooter rides may soon be able to “scoot” helmet-free. Introduced by Assemblyman Heath Flora (R-Ripon), AB 2989 would allow motorized scooter riders over 18 years of age to cruise on streets that have speeds up to 35mph without wearing a...