To settle a lawsuit filed by Jewish groups, the Santa Ana Unified School District last week agreed to disband its anti-Semitic ethnic studies courses that were secretly created in violation of California open meeting laws and concocted by school officials...
Tyrannical and conniving Jews clearly occupy the feverish imagination of many officials of the Santa Ana Unified School District in Orange County. In conversations with her compatriots one School official has repeatedly deemed Jews oppressive and racist. And now, in...
Several Jewish organizations suing the Santa Ana Unified School District for surreptitiously approving an anti-Semitism riddled ethnic studies curriculum in violation of state laws have uncovered more evidence of crass anti-Semitism and chicanery by the people involved with the curriculum....
In April 2023, Santa Ana Unified School District removed the Trevor Project Crisis Hotlines from posters at all K-12 schools, as well as from counselors’ business cards. I watched it happen. They did so because in February 2023, I and...
Many school districts in California have started teaching Ethnic Studies ahead of the state mandated timeline of 2025. This has come on the back of a multi-year movement to promote Ethnic Studies in K-12, a movement fraught with controversies and...