Tag: Sen. Andreas Borgeas
EDD Computers GO Down Again, Following Numerous Breakdowns and Fraud Claims
Assemblyman Jim Patterson said Monday in a press conference his office was notified by EDD employee insiders that the EDD computer systems are currently down and have been for some time. Patterson said they have contacted the EDD for details...
SB 430 Provides Small Biz Waivers for Regulatory Violations
On February 12, Senator Andreas Borgeas (R-Fresno) introduced Senate Bill 430 in order provide a reduction of waiver of civil penalties for small businesses. The bill would add Chapter 3.7 (commencing with Section 11367) to Part 1 of Division 3...
EDD Unemployment Fraud Leaving Californians Facing a Looming Tax Tsunami
In November, California Globe reported that District Attorneys from across California joined together for a press briefing hosted by Sacramento County DA Anne Marie Schubert and El Dorado County DA Vern Pierson, to expose the massive unemployment benefits fraud in jails and prisons...
Senator Borgeas Wants to ‘Keep California Working’
State Senator Andreas Borgeas asked a very important question in a recent California Globe interview: “How do we help small business now?” He asked the question, but already had the answer. Sen. Borgeas (R-Fresno) recently authored the Keep California Working Act,...
New Bill Creates the ‘Keep California Working Act’
Last month, Senators Andreas Borgeas and Anna Caballero introduced Senate Bill 74, which would create the “Keep California Working Act,” which is a proposed grant program. SB 74 would add Section 12098.8 to the Government Code. SB 74 would establish...
Gov. Newsom’s 2020 Budget, ‘Unprecedented, Historic,’ ‘Once-in-a-Generation’
We’re over ‘California derangement syndrome’ ~Gov. Gavin Newsom Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2020 budget plans to increase overall spending to a historic high of $222 billion. Newsom’s original 2019 budget was $209 billion budget, an $8 billion, four percent increase from...