Tag: Senate
Hopeful Republicans Descend on Sacramento
Delegates, journalists and merchandise hawkers are gathering this weekend in the California capital for the CA GOP convention. Various levels of state Republican party leadership’s candidates are campaigning in the halls of the convention center and host hotel, huddling, backslapping...
Maximum Number of Bills in the California Legislature
Under prior rules of the Senate and Assembly in the California Legislature, during their 2-year Sessions, Assembly Members could introduce a maximum of 4,000 bills (50 bills x 80 members) and Senators could introduce a maximum of 1,600 bills (40...
The California Legislature’s First Day of Session
The Senate and Assembly met Monday afternoon to convene the 2025-25 California Legislative Session. I tried to catch the formal actions… ASSEMBLY All 80 Assembly Members were sworn-in today, including 23 new Members, 12 of whom are female. There is...
The Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies
Article 7.6 deals with the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies. Section 9147.10 created the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies. The committee is required to ascertain facts and make recommendations to the Legislature concerning the state’s programs,...
Legislative Witnesses
Chapter 4 deals with witnesses. Section 9400 defines the term “committee.” Section 9401 provides that a subpoena requiring the attendance of any witness before the Senate, Assembly, or a committee may be issued by the President of the Senate, Speaker...
Chart of 72-Hour Bills in the California Legislature
Since the voters of California adopted Proposition 54 at the November 2016 General Elections, bills in the California Legislature must be “in print” and available on the Internet in their “final form” for at least 72 hours before a Floor...