Tag: Thad Kousser
CNN Fortune Tellers Declare Kamala Harris New Dem Frontrunner
Speculation is not journalism. But CNN scribes Chris Cillizza and Harry Enten today pulled out their crystal ball and deemed California Senator Kamala Harris Democratic frontrunner for the presidential nomination. Harris was ranked number one among ten possible presidential contenders,...
Cox Deploys Godwin’s Law Against DMV
Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox last week likened long wait lines at DMV offices to the Holocaust. But he quickly backtracked, apologizing to anybody offended yet also insisting he didn’t really say what he clearly did say. The whole fracas...
Feinstein Now Claims Not to Want Democratic Party Endorsement
Profoundly embarrassed earlier this year when she didn’t get the state Democratic party endorsement, Senator Dianne Feinstein now says she doesn’t want it anyway. Kind of like the fox saying he didn’t really want the grapes because they are sour?...
Expert: ‘Top Two’ System Could be Disastrous for Dems—Again
The Democrats’ road to taking back the House this November runs through California–but it could also implode there. Dems need to regain 23 seats to take control of the House and were counting on flipping seven California seats held by...