Tag: Uber Eats
The Number Of Victims is Growing of New $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage Law
For months, things have continued to go from bad to worse for fast food companies and their employees in California. Following the signing of AB 1228 in October by Governor Gavin Newsom, the new $20 minimum wage for fast food...
Pizza Hut Fires Over 1,200 Drivers In California Before New $20 Minimum Wage Comes Into Effect
Multiple Pizza Hut operators throughout California announced on Tuesday that they would be laying off hundreds of drivers before the new state minimum fast food wage of $20/an hour comes into effect on April 1st. The new law, Assembly Bill...
Food Delivery App Bill to Increase Price Transparency, Tip Protections, Signed by Governor
A bill that removes hidden fees from food-delivery app companies, as well as increase transparency and give workers tip protections, was signed by Gavin Newsom into law on Tuesday. Assembly Bill 286, authored by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), will...
Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Regulating Food Delivery Apps
Earlier this week, Governor Gavin Newsom sign a bill into law enacting the Fair Food Delivery Act of 2020, prohibiting food delivery apps from arranging deliveries without getting permission from the restaurant or store to take orders from there. Updates...