Tag: unfunded pension liabilities
Gov. Newsom’s 2020-21 Budget – A Big Pie, But Empty Calories
Compared to forty years ago, Californians cannot afford to purchase homes, they cannot afford to pay college tuition, they cannot drive on un-congested freeways, and they cannot expect their children to get a good education in public schools. Forty years...
The Charter School Compromise: ‘Intent to Cripple California’s Charter Schools’
Gov. Gavin Newsom sent out a press release Wednesday announcing that he will sign “the first major overhaul to the charter schools law since its enactment 27 years ago, and will address longstanding challenges for both traditional public school districts...
Assembly Passes Bill Giving Local School Districts Power To Deny Funds to Home Schoolers
Teacher’s unions and local school districts have been pushing hard at the Capitol to target, limit and even eradicate charter schools, claiming that charters are draining resources from traditional public school districts. Traditional public school districts are laboring under crippling...
Gov. Newsom Touts Largest Tax Revenue Windfall in CA History in Budget, and Highest Spending
“The state is flush, but school districts aren’t. Why isn’t the state allocating more to the kids, cities and counties that are still having a difficult time?” – Sen. John Moorlach Gov. Gavin Newsom released his revised budget Thursday,...
California Teachers Union’s ‘Intent to Cripple California’s Charter Schools’
A powerful liaison of aggressive teacher unions and politicians supported by them have produced a package of bills which threaten to destroy California’s wildly popular and successful charter schools, and the 630,000 school children who benefit from them. And the...
The Real State of the State: California 2019
When he gives his State of the State address today, Gov. Gavin Newsom understandably will paint a largely rosy picture of California, with some problem areas needing to be fixed. I’m hoping to work with him on options that improve...