As part of California’s local government structure, special districts are agencies that provide specialized services across the state. Special districts are created and governed by the local residents who vote to form them as local governmental entities. Each special district...
The Department of Water Resources today withdrew its permit application before the State Water Resources Control Board for the twin tunnels project, known as the California WaterFix, and submitted notice to begin planning for a single tunnel conveyance project. They are...
A bill to prohibit the arrest of a sex worker when they are reporting a crime done to them just passed the Senate. SB 233 by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) would also make evidence of possession of a condom...
A bill to allow the use of non-provisional ballots for conditional same-day voter registration is being touted as necessary “for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their registration before an election.” It remains to be...
“I don’t know if we’re that special.” Assemblywoman Shirley Weber Because political candidates with young children are faced with paying for increased child care to campaign and network when running for office, Assemblyman Rob Bonta (D-Alameda) has authored AB 220 which “would...
California, the welcoming sanctuary state, has a population on track to break 40 million by the end of this year. Its highway system was designed to handle a population of 20 million. Its cities, bound by legislated “urban containment,” are...
An apparently unnecessary bill on “weatherization-eligible measures for low-income customers” left many in the Capitol scratching their heads Tuesday. But even stranger is that the bill’s author forgot to show up for the hearing on a bill that he requested...