UCLA on the morning on May 1, 2024 (Photo: courtesy of Rachel Diaz)
15 Injured, 1 Hospitalized Following More Gaza Protests At UCLA
‘Protestors have been demanding divestment from Israel, a cease-fire to occur, and for a lower presence of police’
By Evan Symon, May 1, 2024 4:36 pm
15 protesters were injured, and one was sent to the hospital late on Tuesday and early in the morning Wednesday, as both Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israeli protestors clashed once again on campus.
While protests against the Gaza war have been raging on for weeks nationwide, an escalation of protestor efforts in the past week following universities refusals to give into divestment demands have led to more drastic scenarios. At Columbia University in New York, over 300 protestors were arrested as the NYPD retook a building occupied by protestors late on Tuesday. Many other arrests also occurred across the country, including at UW Madison, all just within 24 hours.
In California, large protests in the past week have also made national headlines. 93 were arrested at USC last week. Antisemitic swastikas drawn by protestors were also found on USC. A fight between protestors broke out on the UCLA campus on Sunday. 35 were arrested on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus on Tuesday as police ended the week long occupation of two campus buildings. Many other campuses, from UC Irvine to Sacramento State, have also seen protest groups form in recent days.
However, UCLA had another clash between Pro-Palestinians and Pro-Israelis on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning described as non-stop chaos, violence and injury. This resulted in many injured with the LAPD called in. Renewed tensions first began earlier on Tuesday when the University declared that the tent encampment on campus was an illegal gathering. However, they declined to have the LAPD come out as the protest was “peaceful.” Later that night, counter protesters, spurred on by threats from the Pro-Palestinian protestors, began to remove barriers surrounding the Pro-Palestinian protestors.
This causes pro-Palestinian protestors to fight back, causing the two sides to begin fighting. As the LAPD had not been brought out in force earlier, it took time for a sizeable force to break up the fighting to arrive. Until then, fighting continued into Wednesday morning, resulting in fireworks and tear gas to be deployed. A large enough presence finally formed to dissuade any further fighting. However, at the end, 15 protestors were injured, with one being hurt severely enough to go to the hospital as a result. While pro-Palestinian protestors claim that 25 in total were hospitalized, currently official campus numbers only give 15 injuries and 1 hospitalization. As a result, the University proceeded to cancel all classes on Wednesday even though police had calmed things down by late morning.
The protest violence was immediately chastised by everyone from University officials, to LA lawmakers to Governor Gavin Newsom finally breaking his silence on Wednesday.
“I condemn the violence at UCLA last night. The law is clear: The right to free speech does not extend to inciting violence, vandalism, or lawlessness on campus,” said Newsom in a statement. “Those who engage in illegal behavior must be held accountable for their actions – including criminal prosecution, suspension, and expulsion.”
Governor @GavinNewsom statement on the violence that unfolded at @UCLA.
The right to free speech does not extend to inciting violence, vandalism, or lawlessness on campus. pic.twitter.com/6XCicntdEp
— California Governor (@CAgovernor) May 1, 2024
“We are ordering an independent external review looking into what happened,” said UC President Michael V. Drake in a statement on Wednesday afternoon. “Such a review will help us address many immediate questions but also help guide us in possible future events. We also requested a detailed accounting from the campus about what transpired in the early morning hours today.”
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass added, “The violence unfolding this evening at UCLA is absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable. LAPD has arrived on campus. This morning, I met in person with LAPD, LASD, CHP, CalOES, UCPD and other regional agencies at the UCLA incident command post about the absolutely detestable violence on campus last night. LAPD is supporting regional law enforcement on next steps to ensure our students and campus are safe. There must be a full investigation into what occurred on campus last night.
“Those involved in launching fireworks at other people, spraying chemicals and physically assaulting others will be found, arrested, and prosecuted, as well as anyone involved in any form of violence or lawlessness. I want to make sure the message I delivered to law enforcement and other officials earlier today is clear: Free speech will be protected. Violence and bigotry will not. I have spoken with Governor Newsom and want to thank him for his continued support.”
This morning, I met in person with LAPD, LASD, CHP, CalOES, UCPD and other regional agencies at the UCLA incident command post about the absolutely detestable violence on campus last night. LAPD is supporting regional law enforcement on next steps to ensure our students and…
— Mayor Karen Bass (@MayorOfLA) May 1, 2024
Protest experts told the Globe on Wednesday that the second UCLA clash would likely result in more police being on campus, something which protestors had been adamant to not allow in weeks past.
“Protestors have been demanding divestment from Israel, a cease-fire to occur, and for a lower presence of police,” said researcher Sandy Crane, who studies college protest movements, told the Globe on Wednesday. “Protestors just found why that last one can really bite them back. And they have just been spewing antisemitic chants and readings by students, so you can see why other students would be angry with this rhetoric. It just bubbled up again. Pro-Israeli protestors just want one thing: For the hostages to be released.”
“And sadly, things are going to escalate as the end of the semester and graduation commencements loom. Campuses have shown they have no more qualms about bringing in police. Columbia proved that last night, and this UCLA debacle will only have universities increase the numbers of cops on campus now as they don’t want this.”
“The Pro-Palestinian protestors are not winning, and you can see just how frustrated they are. The media has been showing those on their side with antisemitic rhetoric and them breaking into buildings, and they hate that. Some have worked with universities where protestors agree not to protest in exchange for the university voting on divestment later in the year, like with what happened at Brown. But that kind of logic is escaping many of these protestors. You know, Columbia, UCLA, those kinds of schools. Many people think you have to be smart to go to those schools. But as one police official in the NYPD told me, the protests prove that wrong.”
More on the protests is to come out soon as they continue to escalate on campuses.
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Clearly, the “pro-Palestinian” contingent —- who appear to be the same old, same old, Antifa and others —- are trying to provoke, with their outrageous, incredibly annoying, and illegal behavior, the “pro-Israel” contingent into attacking them in hopes that the finger can be pointed away from them. This seems to be the entire reason for their presence in the first place. I hope the “pro-Israel” protesters will refrain from taking the bait. Read the article and watch the video here:
“Watch Activists Assault Breitbart News Journalist at UCLA Palestine Solidarity Encampment”
In addition, L.A. Mayor Karen Bass has entirely shown her true Marxist colors here. Although, as Evan Symon referenced, she has announced her desire for “a full investigation” and prosecution of those responsible for “violence and lawlessness,” after Bass, as well as Newsom, had entirely ignored the situation up to last night, according to the Breitbart article below (please read carefully and follow the first link to UCLA’s Daily Bruin) her intent appears to be to only prosecute pro-Israel protestors:
“L.A. Mayor Karen Bass Vows to Prosecute Those Who Fought at UCLA”
This is political theatre orchestrated by the Dem/Marxists politicians and their henchmen. The Pro-Israel contingent must be very careful to not fall into their trap.
Showandtell, there is a very dark comedic irony to these protests. As many have pointed out the vast majority of these self-proclaimed Hamas supporters could not find Gaza on a map even if the reward for correctly finding it was a free six-month supply of weed. Far darker is the fact that if they were actually compelled to live in a Muslim country operating under strict Sharia law the protester’s inclination to mouth off and act out would have immediate devastating consequences. The enforcers of Sharia law would trot them out during halftime at a soccer game and behead them, much to the delight of the thousands of 7th Century barbarians in attendance. Our women pro-Hamas supporters would certainly love being forced to wear black tents with nothing showing but their eyes for the rest of their lives.
I hear you, Fed Up. The absurdity and chaos of it is part of their “delight” in it. But this stuff is the BLM, Antifa, Occupy crowd with different faces. They are mercenaries. It’s not about Gaza. It’s just the same destroyers, and probably recruited by our Dem/Marxist leadership (or their proxies, you understand) in the first place, pre-2024 election for the same reason we saw it in the 2020 “George Floyd Summer of Love.” As I suspect you already know. The intent is to sow chaos and fear before an election and they think you’ll come running to them, but it BACKFIRED big time this time around and now they are panicking.
I am also cross-posting a comment left elsewhere about this (below):
Please LOOK at what these worthless punks did to Royce Hall and Powell Library. Just LOOK at the destruction.
Unfortunately I cannot directly link to this video. For some reason that I cannot fathom they are making it very difficult to view this footage and I have not been able to find it elsewhere. It’s as if the media doesn’t want people to see it! What a shocker. Not. Please go to:
And scroll down to the find the video
“Pro-Palestinian protestors leave UCLA buildings vandalized, covered in trash”
As many people as possible need to see this.
I don’t think you need to be a UCLA graduate as I am to be ENRAGED by this