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It’s Time to Vote Out the Hate, Vote Out the Division and Save Our Nation

Why is it ok to put men in women’s sports just because they claim to be transgender?

By Jordan Brace, July 2, 2024 9:00 am

Our Nation at risk.

Every day I see our country, once known as the strongest nation on earth, fall further into the depths of despair.

We have watched a sitting POTUS open our borders, ignore the needs of US citizens and put illegals before the needs of our own. I see people that have to decide between gas in their car or food on the table, having to work 2-3 jobs just to pay the bills as we face record inflation, gas prices and our taxes go up to support illegals. Meanwhile our Veterans who proudly served our country starve on the street.

Violent crime is out of control and yet, our POTUS refuses to close our borders, and puts illegal aliens and violent criminals before the safety of American citizens.

 I see hate and division on the streets across our nation for Israel our greatest ally, and all Jewish people.

 I see support for our enemies and hate for our allies in our own country including college campuses I once considered to continue my education.

We have catch and release criminals let out on the streets, and illegal immigrants murdering and raping women on a weekly basis. I’ve seen our Law Enforcement Heroes defunded and become targets.

I see the Department Of Education trying to take away parents rights and grooming kids as they tell us we are confused so mutilation of our bodies and gender change is the answer. They prioritize DEI which divides us over basic education. The DOE push through students that can’t read, write and have no knowledge of history or even basic math skills because they have more regard for their woke agendas over education. Since when have so many in our country suddenly decided they need change their gender rather than getting emotional support they crave to resolve their issues? Since when is it ok for the DOE to raise kids instead of the parents?

Why is it ok to put men in women’s sports just because they claim to be transgender? This administration takes  away women’s rights to compete safely and fairly. If a male fails in competition should we suddenly allow them to claim they are women and take away the rights and safety of female athletes just to continue the woke agenda of the left? I don’t recognize our country anymore.

As President Trump said “we are a nation in decline” and it’s to the point where we can’t go on like this anymore. The Biden Administration opened our borders to yes, some seeking a better and new life but most crossing our borders are single men, many are violent criminals from other countries and even terrorists crossing our wide open borders, putting American citizens at risk and what for? Because the left wants to allow illegals to vote.

We cannot continue to risk the safety and prosperity of our country because our current Administration has an agenda to keep their woke ideologies in place. Our current administration make sure our basic values and rights are taken away so they maintain control. They claim if we re-elect President Trump that our Democracy will be gone. We don’t live in a Democracy, we live in a Constitutional Republic and it is in fact them that are trying to take away the constitutional rights we live by. Our DOJ, FBI and our woke officials work against us while they have a duty to protect us. When our DOJ and our courts are corrupted by an administration working to destroy political opponents, when our leaders take away our 1st Amendment rights to free speech, when they want our guns and arm our enemies and illegals, when we have fentanyl, child sex trafficking and gun smuggling crossing our borders and this Administration does nothing to stop it, we are not just a nation in decline but in immediate and imminent danger. We have a POTUS that ignores murder victims and gives a million dollar funeral and a bronze statue to a violent criminal. How far can we fall before it’s too late, is it already too late to recover? I don’t think it is, not yet. We need to stop the division, stop the hate, support our country and our allies, close our borders and support rebuilding what is now broken.

We need a leader to put our nation, the American people and our allies first and not support and defend our enemies but stand up to them and protect the country we love. I am a proud Conservative Gen Z, I am 17 and while I can’t vote yet I encourage other Gen Z and all citizens to look at the decline of our country and yes my state of California and be the change. Stand up together as Americans and put Conservative values back in our homes, back in our schools, back in our communities and back in our nation. We either need to say no more to this insanity or our country and our futures will be lost forever.

 I urge you to vote out the hate, vote out the division and save our nation before it’s too late.

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6 thoughts on “It’s Time to Vote Out the Hate, Vote Out the Division and Save Our Nation

  1. I agree that in California, all of us right thinking people are the battered and abused victims of a legislature and governor who could not give a rip about us anymore.
    When my wife and I kick the bucket, you are going to lose 10 more taxpayers – the wife and I, plus our four married kids. All itching to blow this sick state.
    Inmates run better insane asylums than this state!

  2. If only it was as easy as voting them out when Democrats steal elections with voter fraud and rigged voting machines while their RINO cronies allow them to do it? The question is how to eject the deep-state uniparty from power to save the nation? Is it too late?

  3. Fantastic, spot on but no surprise as your columns always have the Patriotic pulse of true Patriots everywhere :).

    – “Scoop”

    1. Agree 100%!
      Please keep them coming, Jordan!!!
      Your Mom has raised you well, and should be rightfully proud of you…

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