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Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón. (Photo: da.lacounty.gov)

Gascon’s Experiment Has Failed: Nathan Hochman Deserves Your Vote

Millions of taxpayer dollars are being siphoned off to cover lawsuits that stem from his incompetence

By Kathy Cady, October 1, 2024 7:00 am

George Gascon’s tenure has been a tragedy for Los Angeles, leaving in its wake broken families, devastated communities, and victims abandoned by the very system sworn to protect them. His disastrous “reforms” have not just failed—they have torn apart the fabric of our society, making it unsafe for everyone.

For the countless victims whose cases have been ignored, the heartbreak is all too real. Families who have lost loved ones to violent crimes that could have been prevented, were it not for Gascon’s policies releasing dangerous criminals back into our neighborhoods. Millions of taxpayer dollars are being siphoned off to cover lawsuits that stem from his incompetence. And still, businesses are closing, unable to withstand the unchecked theft and lawlessness that now define our city.

Nathan Hochman is the right choice for Los Angeles County’s District Attorney because he will restore sanity, safety and justice.

Crime doesn’t just affect a single victim—it reverberates through our families, schools, places of worship, and neighborhoods. Gascon has unleashed a ripple effect of harm so wide and so deep that it will take years for us to recover, if we ever do. In his reckless crusade to “reform” our criminal justice system, he has done nothing but dismantle it, piece by piece, leaving the innocent vulnerable and the guilty emboldened.

Gascon has turned his back on victims in their darkest hour, abandoning them when they need support the most. His policy of refusing to allow prosecutors to attend parole hearings leaves murder victims’ families and survivors of serial rapists to fend for themselves. These people, already crushed by the weight of their trauma, are forced to confront the monsters who stole their peace—completely alone. This isn’t justice; it’s cruelty. And predictably, when prosecutors are absent, the parole grant rate increases by 8%, unleashing convicted murderers and rapists back into our streets.

And what of his claim that “we should treat kids like kids?” Gascon’s blanket policy against prosecuting minors in adult court has released gang murderers back into our communities after serving just a few short years—only for them to kill again. His refusal to prosecute juveniles for misdemeanor crimes has given rise to an epidemic of smash-and-grab robberies by teenagers who know they face no consequences. Under Gascon’s leadership, our city has become a free-for-all, where criminals—both young and old—rule the streets without fear of accountability.

Victims are Gascon’s afterthought. He claims that victim advocates in his Bureau of Victim Services stand ready to help, but the truth is there are fewer advocates now than when he took office because of his gross mismanagement of the grants that fund them. Victims are left without the critical support they need during the most difficult moments of their lives.

And it’s not just victims who suffer. Over 20 respected prosecutors have sued Gascon for discrimination and retaliation. One lawsuit has already resulted in an award of over a million dollars, and the others have been conveniently postponed until after the election. But make no mistake: taxpayers will be left footing the bill for his failures.

Meanwhile, businesses, including those in our most disenfranchised communities, are closing their doors. They can no longer survive the relentless theft and smash-and-grab burglaries. These aren’t just losses to the economy; they are the shattered dreams of families who believed they could build something better, only to have it destroyed by lawlessness under Gascon’s watch.

Justice in Gascon’s Los Angeles is not blind—it’s political. Cases that attract media attention get priority, while others languish in silence. Decisions are made by secret committees, made up of people Gascon refuses to identify, based on criteria he won’t share. This isn’t reform—it’s arbitrary, capricious, and dangerous.

In a democratic society, transparency is paramount, yet Gascon repeatedly refuses to disclose public records, despite mounting lawsuits. His administration has become a black hole of accountability, where secrecy reigns and victims’ pleas for justice fall on deaf ears.

Angelinos deserve better. The stakes are too high, the pain too deep, and the damage too profound.  We cannot endure another four years of incompetence, mismanagement, and suffering. Gascon has failed us, and he does not deserve your vote.

Nathan Hochman deserves your vote.  He will uphold the law and restore sanity, safety and justice to our communities.

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2 thoughts on “Gascon’s Experiment Has Failed: Nathan Hochman Deserves Your Vote

  1. Ms. Kady concludes that George Gascon’s reforms and his tenure has been a tragedy for Los Angeles, leaving in its wake broken families, devastated communities, and victims abandoned by the very system sworn to protect them. She goes on to say that Gascon’s disastrous “reforms” have torn apart the fabric of our society, making it unsafe for everyone.

    Since George Gascon is a deep-state WEF globalist protege who was installed into office with the help of George Soros’ millions, maybe destroying Los Angeles was his plan all along and he successfully furthered his globalist master’s agenda of an eventual one world government?

  2. The dumb voters of Los Angeles put this monster in office, and now they are paying price. Voting has consequences.

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