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John Moorlach: November Statewide General Election Ballot Measures

‘At the end of the day, Prop 4 is a scam that is written to sound like it will help water and fire prevention’

By John Moorlach, October 10, 2024 10:43 am

You should be receiving your ballots in the mail soon. Many friends ask for my recommendations on the Propositions as a part of doing their own independent research.

The easy answer is to vote “no” on all ten of the Propositions, but there are two that definitely deserve a “yes” vote, Props. 34 and 36.

The California Republican Party (CRP) recommends a “Yes” vote on Prop. 2. I attended the Initiatives Committee meeting via Zoom for Prop. 2 and was very disappointed with the debate and the vote. Consequently, I am in disagreement with my party on this ballot measure. The CRP is neutral on Prop. 3.

A Sacramento-based citizens legal and political watchdog that I found the most impressive while serving in the California State Senate is the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. It also recommends only voting yes on Props. 34 and 36 and has no recommendation on Prop. 3.

For additional material, to assist you in doing your due diligence, I provide applicable previous UPDATE discussions.

Prop. 2 — NO — Authorizes $10 Billion Bond for Public School and Community College Facilities — MOORLACH UPDATE — Proposition 2 School Bond — September 3, 2024

“Why did Sacramento fail to set aside funds just like it requires HOAs to do? Because it spent funds on increased salaries and pension benefits instead, as requested by public employee unions.”

Prop. 3 — NO — “Opens a Pandora’s Box on” Constitutional Right to Marriage

Prop. 4 — NO — Authorizes $10 Billion Bond for Climate Change and Grab Bag of Items —MOORLACH UPDATE — Proposition 4 Climate Bond — September 11, 2024

“At the end of the day, Prop 4 is a scam that is written to sound like it will help water and fire prevention — but there is no guarantee that even one penny will help and there is zero accountability to make sure that happens — vote NO on Prop 4 and demand better.”

Prop. 5 — NO — Lowers Voter Threshold to Pass Bonds to 55% — MOORLACH UPDATE — Disappointing Tax Raising Epidemic — August 3, 2024

Prop. 6 — NO — Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons (You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up) — Also see OC Register Editorial “No on Prop. 6, a misguided ballot measure”

Prop. 32 — NO — Raises Minimum Wage — MOORLACH UPDATE — Wake Up! California — July 5, 2024

Prop. 33 — NO — Rent Control — MOORLACH UPDATE — California Will Lag In A Recovery — May 10, 2020

Prop. 34 — YES — Restricts Nonprofits Who Receive Significant Government Funding from Pursuing Certain Political Efforts — MOORLACH UPDATE — Open The Books — August 29, 2022

Prop. 35 — NO — Makes Permanent the Existing Tax on Managed Health Care Insurance Plans for Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services — MOORLACH UPDATE — Governor’s 2016-17 Proposed Budget — January 8, 2016

“The United States government wants California to tax managed healthcare providers to pay a state tax that will be matched by Federal funds. The Governor claims that it will be a wash. That is not accurate, but we have yet to see the details that have been negotiated between the Governor’s office and major healthcare providers, like Kaiser Permanente. But, expect your already high medical premiums to increase should this tax be approved.”

Prop. 36 — YES — Will Try to Undo Prop. 47 (2014) For Which Then-Attorney General Kamala Harris Wrote the Untrue Ballot Title “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act” (and Property Crimes and Shoplifting Have Since Skyrocketed) — MOORLACH UPDATE — Crazifornia — September 18, 2012

California Policy Center and California Insider

For an excellent review of these ten ballot propositions by California Insider Host Siyamak Khorrami and California Policy Center President Will Swaim, titled “California’s 2024 Ballot Initiatives Explained.” It will be some 40 minutes well invested.

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One thought on “John Moorlach: November Statewide General Election Ballot Measures

  1. I agree with your summation of the propositions except for Prop 34. You’re wording on Prop 34 could be considered deceptive because you used the word “non-profits”. It has been stated publicly that only 1 non-profit currently fits the category of the measure and that is the AIDS Foundation. This measure is a revenge measure to get back at the AIDS Foundation for their spearheading of the rent control measure (If 34 passes because it is so narrowly written it may not pass the legal challenge to come). While I do not support rent control it bothers me when conservatives start using propositions to exact revenge on others and join in with ultra-liberal organizations (Deloris Huerta Foundation) to accomplish it. It’s bad enough that the CA GOP supports Prop 35 which is supported by Planned Parenthood CA and has the potential to destroy our culture and our families by administering puberty blockers without parents’ knowledge or consent. The CA GOP takes a “No Position” on Prop 3 which is also supported by Planned Parenthood CA which will further erode our culture and traditions. Conservativism should stand for commonsense principles and priorities. There are ways to accomplish your goals and objectives without deceptively manipulating the voters.

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