California State Assembly. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California’s Obsession With Abortion
California Democrats passed Constitutional Amendment to ‘Enshrine Right to Abortion’
By Katy Grimes, August 5, 2022 8:08 am
The California Legislature currently has 18 bills dedicated to abortion, abortion providers, access to abortion, funding of abortion, licensing of abortion providers, discipline of abortion providers, abortion scholarships, training programs for abortions, abortion research, abortion fairness, paid time off for abortion, Telehealth for abortion, and protections for abortion providers.
California Democrats even passed a Constitutional Amendment to “enshrine the ‘Right to Abortion, Contraception,” following the leaked United States Supreme Court draft decision in which the Court voted to overturn the federal landmark Roe v. Wade abortion decision.
Planning ahead in anticipation of the Supreme Court decision, last November 2021, Planned Parenthood reported Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic legislative leaders “have asked a group of reproductive health experts to propose policies to bolster the state’s abortion infrastructure and prepare it for more patients.”
“Abortion providers are already girding for a surge in demand,” they said months ahead of the leaked decision.
California Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) was even the director of a San Diego women’s health clinic in the 1980s, and claims she spent time with women from states where it was hard to get an abortion.
I was in my 20’s in the 1980’s – there was no shortage of abortion services available to women from all walks of life in California, and many other states. It wasn’t the 1950’s.
Calif. Democrats Pass Abortion Rights Constitutional Amendment Bill for Nov. Ballot to ‘Enshrine Right to Abortion’
Passed by both houses of the California Legislature along party lines, Senate Constitutional Amendment 10 “Enacts a constitutional amendment, expressly providing that the state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives,” bill analysis said.
Atkins authored SCA 10, which was fast-tracked by the Legislature lightening fast; it was introduced June 8, 2022, and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom June 29, 2022, and will be on the November ballot.
As the Globe reported, Roe v. Wade was not a Constitutional right, and Congress never codified the decision in law. Justice Samuel Alito wrote the opinion, and noted, “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
“The Supreme Court is criminalizing women,” said Senate Majority Leader Emeritus Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys). “The majority’s theological bent wants to keep women barefoot and pregnant and is a throwback to when women were property and knew their place. That past is our future if Americans don’t wake up and vote.” Hertzberg is a lawyer.
Sen. Scott Wiener, also a lawyer, was as hyperbolic: “Tens of millions have now lost their right to make decisions about their own bodies and their own futures.”
California Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) and Governor Gavin Newsom said, “California will not stand idly by as women across America are stripped of their rights and the progress so many have fought for gets erased. We will fight.”
Gov. Gavin Newsom vowed to “fight like hell,” and declared California an abortion sanctuary state.
The Governor who shut down California’s beaches and legendary tourist attractions, churches, bars and restaurants as a response to the COVID pandemic, is now promoting abortion tourism, inviting tourists to visit California and get an abortion if their own state has abortion restrictions, the Globe reported in March.
Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature are offering taxpayer funds to help out-of-state residents obtain abortions, as well as legalizing infanticide through legislation.
Given California’s burgeoning new industry, shouldn’t Gov. Newsom be happy with the Supreme Court since there will be no federal restrictions on abortion?
NARAL Pro-Choice America, originally called the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, sponsored all of California Democrats’ abortion bills. The entire list is available on their website.
Here are a few highlights:
Senate Bill 523, by Sen. Connie Leyva (D-Chino): Contraceptive Equity Act of 2021: “Ensures greater contraceptive equity regardless of an individual’s gender identity, insurance coverage status, or place of employment.”
Senate Bill 1142 by Sen. Anna Caballero (D-Merced), Sen.Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley): “Creates a fund for organizations that provide practical and logistical support to patients who need help overcoming barriers to accessing abortion care.”
Assembly Bill 2223 by Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland), misleadingly labeled “Reproductive health,” actually legalizes infanticide in an abortion bill to expand the killing of babies past the moment of birth up to weeks after, according to opponents of the bill. Wicks says “women should not be prosecuted for a pregnancy loss.”
Here is how NARAL describes AB 2223:
Assembly Bill 2223 authored by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks: “Ensures that no one in California will be investigated, prosecuted, or incarcerated for ending a pregnancy or experiencing pregnancy loss.”
The California Family Council explains: “They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth.”
The more pro-abortion advocates push for abortion at any stage of the pregnancy, and the more obsessive attention is paid to the issue, the more information is made available by pro-life advocates about what the procedure actually is – the barbaric killing of an unborn child.
Most pro-choice Americans oppose late-term abortion, according to a 2019 poll, “putting them at odds with the Democratic push for state legislation removing barriers to third-trimester procedures,” the Associated Press reported in 2019. In the You.gov poll, 79 percent rejected late-term abortion, 80 percent opposed day-before-birth abortion, and 82 percent of all those surveyed disagreed with withholding medical care for a viable newborn, including 77 percent of pro-choice adults.
With the Democrats appearing to lose in many upcoming races, abortion is one of a couple issues that could dent the Republican election onslaught. Over 50% of people in the U.S. are women and maybe they don’t like being told what they can do with their body, especially by men. Abortion never seems to be an issue at election time, but maybe this time Newsom can whip up enough concern among women to actually change a few elections results.
The people running this state are as evil as they are incompetent. This is nothing less than state sanctioned child sacrifice. Over 97% of abortions are performed simply because the mother finds their child to be an “inconvenience” to them. If there is a choice to be made, it’s to not engage in acts that will result in a life being created if such a life is not desired. Once a new life has been created, choosing to destroy that life simply to undo the consequences of a choice that was made is beyond evil.
I find it odd that a woman can’t use their bodies for: prostitution, carry drugs in concealed body parts, can’t use her hands to strangle a new born child of 1 day, etc… However, we are allowing them the choice, life or death. And, we wonder why people are killed everyday when our citizens see that we place no value on an innocent unborn child. Even someone on death row gets appeals and their day in court.
As I said in the article, it is well documented that Most pro-choice Americans oppose late-term abortion, according to a 2019 poll, “putting them at odds with the Democratic push for state legislation removing barriers to third-trimester procedures,” the Associated Press reported in 2019. In the You.gov poll, 79 percent rejected late-term abortion, 80 percent opposed day-before-birth abortion, and 82 percent of all those surveyed disagreed with withholding medical care for a viable newborn, including 77 percent of pro-choice adults.
As Katy Grimes has suggested, I also think Newsom and his Usual Suspect abortion-loving acolytes have gone too far this time We know the Dems have historically relied on melodrama and hysteria about loss of “abortion rights.” It’s been a plank in their pathetic platform and it has likely succeeded to “get out the vote” because of their threats and lies to the gullible, resentful, and easy-to-rile-up Dem women voters. But this horrorshow? Coupled with the politicians overblown drama when there is actually no threat in California to their wish for a continuing massacre? This is the stuff of mass #Walkaway conversions from the Dem party, and possibly wholesale religious conversions, too, because it’s so bloodthirsty and dark. I think these politicians are digging their own graves by so shamelessly chewing the scenery here as if women are victims for not being able to kill late-term babies and newborns with impunity.
Wicks is bat sh#t crazy… People should be ashamed they voted for her, or embarrassed that D0min0n voted for them, whatever the case….