CSU Channel Islands seal. (Photo: csuci.edu)
CSU Channel Islands Authority Act
The Act converted the Camarillo State Mental Hospital into CSU Channel Islands
By Chris Micheli, July 16, 2022 7:49 am
California has a number of formal acts in statute. Government Code Title 7.75 provides the California State University, Channel Islands Site Authority Act, which is contained in Sections 67470 to 67480. Title 7.75 was added in 1998 by Chapter 861. Section 67470 names the Act.
Section 67471 provides four legislative findings and declarations, including support for converting the former Camarillo State Hospital into a campus of the California State University. In addition, the County of Ventura has an interest in promoting the economic vitality of the region and is committed to the successful and productive development of a California State University campus and compatible uses, and toward that end, will cooperate in providing for the development of a California State University campus at the site.
Section 67462 provides definitions for the following terms: “authority”; “county”; “participating institution”; “site”; and, “trustees.” Section 67473 established the California State University, Channel Islands Site Authority. The purpose of the authority is to provide a specific reuse plan for and to finance and support the transition of the property known as Camarillo State Hospital from its former use to a new state university campus and compatible uses.
Section 67474 requires the authority to be governed by a board of seven members. Upon the first appointment of its members, and thereafter on or after July 1 of each year, the authority must elect from its members a chairperson and a vice chairperson, who shall hold office until the following July 1. The authority may delegate to contracting officers of the county or the trustees the power to enter into contracts on behalf of the authority.
Section 67475 provides that the General Counsel of the California State University, as appointed by the trustees, is the legal counsel for the authority. In addition, the trustees must provide the services of a secretary, treasurer, controller, and other staff for the authority.
Section 67476 requires the title to be administered by the authority, which is hereby with all powers reasonably necessary or proper to carry out the powers and responsibilities expressly granted or imposed, or reasonably implied, under this title. The authority may exercise any power common to the county and the trustees necessary to carry out this title, and it has the power to issue bonds, notes, and other debt instruments. In addition, the authority may engage in specified activities.
Section 67477 provides that a business that is located within the site is eligible for any applicable tax benefit. Section 67478 requires the authority to adopt a plan to use ad valorem property tax revenues for the benefit or support of the development of the California State University campus on the site, including, but not limited to, the mitigation of project-specific and cumulative onsite and offsite environmental impact attributable to the development of the campus.
Section 67479 requires the authority to receive all of the local government share of sales and use tax revenues derived from the retail sale or use of tangible personal property that occurs on the site. In the 2030–2031 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, the authority must convey and transfer to the County of Ventura 50 percent of all sales and use tax revenues derived from the retail sale or use of tangible personal property that occurs on the site.
Section 67480 created the California State University, Channel Islands Site Authority Fund in the State Treasury, to be administered by the authority. All moneys in the fund are continuously appropriated to the authority without regard to fiscal years for the purposes of this title.
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So… Rather than housing and treating the mentally ill and unstable members of society, the CA legislature decided to close this facility, put those that need medical supervision and assistance out on the street, then greenwash that bad decision by papering it over with this feel-good wallpaper???
This action was a linchpin to much of the homelessness issue that now plagues much of California…
The dissolution of this system was the beginning of the end of California’s former status as “The Golden State”….