Assemblyman Corey Jackson (Photo: a60.asmdc.org)
Defaming Parents and Local School Boards as ‘Christian White Nationalists’
The fight for parental rights and authority over California’s Public Education System
By Katy Grimes, July 5, 2023 12:40 pm
Rather than acknowledging that pornographic K-12 textbooks are perverse, and that DEI and CRT is dangerous and divisive to children, state lawmakers are going after recently elected public school board members who ran on returning sanity to California’s public education system.
Assemblyman Corey Jackson (D-Perris) authored Assembly Bill 1078 ostensibly to make it harder to ban school textbooks in California – or at least that is how media is covering this bill. But in his own words, Assemblyman Jackson says “AB 1078 is a bill that intends to combat the national Christian white supremacist movement which aims to ban books, school curriculum, and even more in our schools.”
“This issue makes people uncomfortable, he continued. “A lot of it is due to the misunderstanding of the what people mean when they say ‘White Christian nationalist.'”
Assemblyman Jackson offered his definition in a recent committee hearing: “We are really talking about the radicalization of the Christian faith, to quite frankly, draw upon people’s angers, economic angst, people’s search for additional resources, and drawing upon people’s biases to really achieve, and use that anger, to achieve a political objective.”
This is the same first-term Democrat Assemblyman Corey Jackson, who personally attacked and smeared his colleague, first-term Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside), as a “white supremacist” for opposing ACA 7, “which would allow the state to explicitly fund programs based on ‘race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or marginalized genders, sexes, or sexual orientations,'” the Orange County Editorial Board reported June 20th.
Essayli, a Muslim born to Lebanese immigrants, said “I believe it is a mistake in the United States of America go to backwards and inject race into government policy. I think that all people are created equal and the government should treat people equally. And we can provide services to disadvantaged communities without making race a factor. I support that.”
Essayli later Tweeted, “The judiciary committee just voted to allow government to discriminate based on race when providing services, as proposed by #ACA7. I fundamentally disagree with this backwards policy as do 57% of Californians who voted to prohibit Affirmative Action when they adopted #Prop209.”
In response, Jackson tweeted, “This is a perfect example how a minority can become a white supremacist by doing everything possible to win white supremacist and fascist affection. History will judge him poorly. His politics is dangerous and should be combated at every turn.”
This is important to report because Assemblyman Jackson is calling parents, teachers and school board members “Christian White Nationalists,” if they object to sexualized school curriculum, sexual school books, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion, as well as Critical Race Theory taught in their schools. But that is not all he is planning – Assemblyman Jackson’s bill will target locally elected school board members for not yielding to the state orders.
It’s not just Christians objecting to these vile materials: agnostics object, Muslims object, Jews object, Catholics object, parents object, immigrant parents object, many students object… people from all walks of life recognize that these sexual school books and race-based curriculum do not belong anywhere near children.
In the Senate Education committee analysis, Assemblyman Jackson says:
“We must strive to create a more equitable and inclusive education system for all students. This bill will ensure that students in California receive a comprehensive education that celebrates the diversity of our state and promotes a sense of belonging in the classroom.
AB 1078: will require the State Board of Education to consider the representation of underrepresented groups, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and ability, in all textbooks used in the state’s public schools. [emphasis added]
The bill also establishes a review process for the selection and approval of books, ensuring that only those materials that meet the standards for diversity and inclusiveness are approved for use in the classroom. Assemblymember Dr. Jackson is confident that it will set a strong precedent for other states to follow and make a meaningful impact on students’ lives across California.”
Buried in the bill language is this gem targeting school board members who don’t conform:
“If the governing board of the school district fails to take action to remedy the deficiency before the end of the eighth week of the school term, the notices shall prominently include the names of the individual members of the governing board of the school district.”
Also this:
This bill requires the California Department of Education to develop guidance related to how to help school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and school personnel manage conversations about race and gender and how to review instructional materials to ensure that they represent diverse perspectives and are culturally relevant.
From the Senate Education Committee bill analysis of AB 1078, it is apparent that the state is injecting itself into local school boards:
Local School Boards: How Instructional Materials Are Adopted. While the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) develops and State Board of Education
State Board of Education adopts model frameworks, local governing boards are responsible for adopting instructional materials that align with core academic content standards in a model framework.
When developing model frameworks, the State Board of Education identifies instructional materials (state-adopted materials) that align with a core academic content standard of a framework.
The Senate Education Committee made amendments to AB 1078, including making the bill an urgency measure and will likely try to get it to the governor’s desk by end of next week.
Here are the Senate Education Committee Amendments.
“The committee recommends, and the author has agreed to, the following amendments:
- a) Clarify that the CDE must ensure each governing board complies with state law requiring that public schools provide pupils with comprehensive, culturally competent, and accurate instruction about history, experiences and viewpoints consistent with specific code sections related to instructional materials.
- b) Specify that the CDE must issue guidance related to how to help school districts, county office of education, charter schools, and school personnel manage conversations about race and gender and how to review instructional materials to ensure that they represent diverse perspectives and are culturally relevant by July 1, 2025.
- c) Specify specific code sections related to instructional materials to ensure that a governing board is considering the removal of an existing textbook, other instructional material, or curriculum.
- d) Makes other technical changes.”
Re-read #2: The CDE must issue guidance to help manage conversations about race and gender and how to review instructional materials to ensure that they represent diverse perspectives and are culturally relevant by July 1, 2025.
Here is what they are really afraid of:
“In 2022, 17 states passed policies restricting how teachers can address topics related to race, gender, and ‘divisive concepts’ in the classroom,” the analysis says.
These 17 states aren’t “banning books” as Assemblyman Jackson says; these 17 states are passing laws to stop the sexualized curriculum and books from being used and taught, as well as halting the teaching of the divisive DEI – Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. USA Today reported in October 2022 that the National Education Association “found 17 states, including Texas, Tennessee, Florida, Idaho and New Hampshire, had passed legislation since January 2021 that banned or limited the examination of systemic racism in the United States.”
They also continue to claim that Florida and Alabama – have passed “Don’t Say Gay” laws, but the real laws forbid schools from providing instruction or engaging in discussions on sexual orientation with younger students.
In the November 8, 2022 election, parents across the country ran for and were elected to local school boards because of the unhealthy indoctrination materials in their kids’ schools.
Apparently parents who object to DEI, CRT and graphic sex being taught to their kids are “Christian White Nationalists,” according to Assemblyman Jackson.
“School boards must remain in the hands of elected local officials, steering the course of education, undeterred by state interference,” Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute told the Globe Wednesday. “Let the decisions that shape our children’s future be made by those who intimately know and understand the needs of their community. The power of education lies in the hands of those closest to the classroom, not in the clutches of distant non-elected authorities. Californians should demand local control and oppose the power grab by Governor Newsom as he seeks to ban local boards and their authority.”
The issue is divided entirely along partisan party lines as the full Assembly vote below shows. AB 1078 was just passed Wednesday out of the Senate Education Committee led by Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton). The committee is made up of 5 Democrats and 2 Republicans.
Democrats are going to jam this bill through come hell or high-water.

Notably, if you are still unsure about Democrats’ attempt to override parental rights, in April, AB 1314 by Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside), was killed by Democrats. This bill would provide that a parent or guardian has the right to be notified in writing within 3 days from the date any teacher, counselor, or employee of the school becomes aware that a pupil is identifying at school as a gender that does not align with the child’s sex on their birth certificate. This bill was killed when Assembly Education Committee Chairman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) announced that he would hold the bill and not allow a hearing.
It’s tempting to dismiss this Asm Corey Jackson person as a radical lunatic, but as you can see he is a snake in the grass. You’ll remember him as the Asm who wanted to ban K-9 officers (!!!) and make the issue about race. Which it is NOT. Now look how he lies about and mischaracterizes his own current bill, AB 1078, smears an ultra-sensible rising-star Asm colleague Bill Essayli, and smears all concerned CA parents and citizens in the process. “White Christian nationalists”? Seriously?
Looks like this Asm Corey Jackson has been hand-picked by the Dem/Marxists to author and push such unacceptable stuff as this bill — all the while saying it prevents “book-banning” (lie) —- because he obviously has no qualms about descending to lies, offensive characterizations, and name-calling of reasonable citizens. Bottom line is AB 1078 seeks to remove control of local school boards and parents and cement compliance with the horrible state curriculum nonsense, including the gender hokum and pornographically explicit sexual stuff they insist upon shoving down your children’s throats. Bonus points for contributing to the outrageous White Christian Nationalist smear narrative. Disgusting.
AB 1078 still has to pass the Senate, so there’s that. CALL your Senator’s office ASAP if you can; as Katy points out this bill is being fast-tracked. Does your Senator, even a Dem Senator, really want to be a party to what this bill is really all about and the EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE characterizations that have been used to get there?
AB 1078.
Assembly District 60 which freshman Democrat Assemblyman Corey Jackson represents is overwhelmingly Hispanic/Latino at over 63%. (https://a60.asmdc.org/district-map) It curious as to a radicalized leftist Democrat like Corey Jackson who attacks others on the basis of their race was elected in that district? Hmmm? Another case of Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines? More than likely he was selected instead of being elected?
It’s not surprising that Democrat Assemblyman Corey Jackson attacks and demonizes anyone on the basis of their race and religion when they dare to oppose his attempt to override parental rights? Democrats have a long and ugly history of attacking others on the basis of their race? Democrats are the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, lynchings and the KKK.
Are his constituents, most of whom are Hispanic and of lower income, requesting this legislation and is it a priority for them? No es posible!
WAAAYYYYY better than an iq 80 blax commutard….JS