San Francisco's Golden Gate bridge from above, misty weather. (Photo: Stefano Termanini/Shutterstock)
Democratic Socialists Outed – Jewish Leftists Panic in San Francisco
Did you have ‘DSA embraces Antisemitism and Genocide’ on your Bingo card?
By Richie Greenberg, October 16, 2023 5:18 pm
Across America, from downtown protests to rabid university campuses, we sit aghast watching televised rage and hatred of Jewish citizens around the nation. Yet one of the bright spots of this past week’s barbaric scenes coming out of Israel is that we are witnessing, in plain sight, the many elected officials, community leaders and activist organizations spewing their hatred of Jews. They scream racist, antisemitic tropes, joining in chants “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free”, which to the uninformed, is a call for ethnic cleansing. It’s a Nazi Germany-style cry to purge the land of Israel of Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea; it’s WWII Germany vs modern day Israel – the same genocidal rally cry, different land.
Locally, in San Francisco (as if the city of San Francisco needs to be involved with happenings 7,500 miles away), Hamas-Jihad supporters grabbed their megaphones, flags, signage and hit the streets.
Several high-profile politicians made very controversial statements in support of the Palestinian fight with Hamas at the helm. When confronted by the media and pressed on social media, these politicians actually doubled down. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) continuously posted on X/Twitter they defiantly stand with their brothers and sisters in their struggle against Israel and Jews. Even more shocking comes the statement of support from Black Lives Matter’s grassroots organization filled with propaganda, historic revisions and outright concoctions. BLM uses the now notorious image of an armed terrorist in a paraglider, as seen here. Black Lives Matter is now directly linked with antisemitism, with genocide and advocating ethnic cleansing of the Land of Israel and its people.
The Black Lives Matter movement surging to the forefront of America in the summer of 2020 captivated the world. People took a knee, at first as a suggestion, then coerced, then nearly forced – at public events, at rallies, at football games. Branded BLM merchandise appeared, on NBA players, jerseys, in schools and businesses’ windows.
Now we see the result: BLM is one of the nation’s biggest financial frauds in a generation.
Student protests across the country and on Market Street in San Francisco, at such previously prestigious centers of academia including Harvard, turned shockingly disgraceful with, again, signage, slogans and shoutings of antisemitic tropes of death to the Jews and such.
The DSA influence was real; local DSA chapters called for protests, a day of rage and pro-Israel counterprotests on what now seems like a daily basis. But at the same time, savvy sleuths (including yours truly) began digging into the DSA’s publicly-available filings, corporation documents, mission statements and financial reports posted on federal and state government websites. We’re finding names of the DSA leadership. We’re finding the DSA Chairmen, the treasurers, the steering committee members. We have names. Hiding in plain sight, many DSA supporters lashed out at us once their comrades were being exposed on social media; the effort to focus on those behind the radical socialist movement will (and must) continue.
These DSA, Berniecrats, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Antifa-linked activists have integrated with and at times infiltrated local politicians and offices and drive the worst of city public policy through their unrelenting activism. And now, since the Israeli/Hamas attack, the outed DSA members and leadership are directly linked, by name, to antisemitism and to genocidal rally cries. These are the people paid six-figure incomes to manage our cities.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors member (City Councilman) Dean Preston, who is Jewish and counts Holocaust survivors in his family, has been dragged in the media for incessantly declaring his membership in the DSA. Disgraced and ousted DA Chesa Boudin, also touting his Jewish roots, is the posterchild of radicalism. Even CA State senator Scott Wiener, a life-long supporter of Israel with his unfortunately appalling legislation in Sacramento, professes his Jewishness. Many San Francisco’s Jewish officials love to champion LGTBTQ rights, Trans rights, Black Lives Matter causes- in the name of “social justice.” But this isn’t social justice, it’s maligned political manipulation. Now comes the deer-in-the-headlights reckoning: the same causes and peoples San Francisco’s Jewish Left have exalted, actually condone radical Islamic terrorists killing them, for being Jewish.
Will these elected officials apologize for their years of misjudgment and refusing to recognize evil? Can they actually side with Hamas? The Hamas charter reflects hardcore Islamic values: A woman’s place is in the home, to make children and be subservient to men. There are no Transgender rights, no gays rights, no freedom to dress immodestly, and don’t even think about the pronoun/misgendering topic. Openly celebrating Gay Pride may instead find one’s self executed.
The day the narrative changes will be the day Palestinians and allies of Palestinians globally denounce Hamas; Denounce them for the years of exploiting Palestinians in Gaza for their own genocidal agenda. Denounce by chanting “We demand freedom from Hamas.” But today, clearly, it is obvious they don’t care about Palestinian plight – rather, to eradicate Israel and Jews. Here is a link to the Hamas Charter [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
The Left, especially the far Left of California’s and San Francisco’s Jewish communities, are in big trouble. The false gods they bowed to, took a knee for, and convinced themselves in cult-like devotion to support, have been exposed for aligning with the antisemitic hysteria they never saw coming.
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I thought diversity was our strength?
Given these organizations overt support of terrorism as a way to achieve one’s ends, it’s only rational and morally correct that they would see no problem with groups using terrorism to oppose them.
Let’s see…indigenous population viciously attacks the majority population it perceives as occupiers. That majority population is Jewish, citizens of a Jewish state. Hence, the indigenous population is anti-semitic. Got it.
The Jewish have had that land for millennia. Now who is indigenous?
1948. The modern nation of Israel dates to 1948 and it is a “balance of power” tool to maintain British interests (now globalist elite interests). They did something similar with Pakistan and India. They have kept Germany and Russia apart at all costs. Some how, the United States is the arsenal of the globalist Anglosphere empire – the U.S. is a vassal state to the same interests that have been trying to retake their lost colony since 1781.
The native Jews of Syria Palestine are *not* the colonial imports running the country, inventing modern Hebrew, etc. This was a poor backwater of the Ottoman Empire until control of the Mediterranean wasn’t enough – control of Persia’s oil and denial of a warm water port to Russia were too big of a deal for the elite in the U.K. and their friends on the continent.
The arguments about “muh 1000’s of years” are a waste of time. Does Israel protect the interests of the Anglosphere empire? Then they get guns, and money, etc. If not, they will be swallowed up. If the Palestinians are not there with a knife to Israels neck, will Israel do what the Anglosphere wants? Chances are, they won’t follow orders.
The year was 1933: The Third Reich and the wealthy and aware Germans all knowing of Hitlers intentions “worked a deal” called the Haavara Transfer Agreement whereby the wealth were conveniently moved with their assets to Palestine thus escaping the wrath that followed as planned to reconfigure Germany.
A commemorative coin was minted; the Star Of David and the Swastika on the same coin…Money motivates the strangest of companionships.
I once asked a co-worker from Hungary what antisemitism was all about. I sat amazed as she spewed the common diatribe that we hear without one personal incident for herself. This kind of hatred is spread from the cradle. History through the minds of the present is judged by the present, none of whom were there. No doubt there are incidents that may prove their point but that is not a true refection for all suffering the atrocities of war. Choose the history that fits your personal agenda and feel your righteous hatred for the chosen people that is well over 2000 years old. Jesus Christ is the ultimate judge.
In all earnest. Why do Jewish Americans become Democrats? To a person they seem to avoid support of Israel. And to those that argue otherwise I would ask this question: why are any Jewish Democrats continually voted back in office that don’t support our biggest ally? You won’t find anti-semites on the other side.
I always like it when someone reveals who they truly are. Makes everything else so much simpler. As for the Jews, well, y’all have remained willfully ignorant for decades upon decades and stuck — collectively — with liberals and democrats. Any misgivings about that yet? Give Republicans and conservatives a try for once. You might be pleasantly surprised. Same goes for other ethnic minorities — we have the biggest tent, and everyone is welcome!