Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi speaking with attendees at a Trump Tax Town Hall in Phoenix, February 20, 2018. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
Geriatric Congress: Nancy Pelosi, 83, Announces She is Running AGAIN
Senior members of Congress hold some of the most important committee positions, yet probably can’t tell you what they ate for breakfast
By Katy Grimes, September 9, 2023 2:45 am
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Twitter Friday she is running for reelection. Pelosi, who was born in 1940 and is now 83, will be 86 at the end of her next term in Congress.
In the summer of 1940, France had just fallen to the Nazis and Britain was fighting for survival. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt began to prepare America for war.
Now, 83 years later, Nancy Pelosi, who if she was an airline pilot, would have been required to retire at age 65 – in 2005 – and perhaps like an aging airline pilot, has only gotten more dangerous after age 65.
“Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery. Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote. -Nancy”
Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery. Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote.…
— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) September 8, 2023
Is Pelosi talking about the San Francisco values that have rendered her city a crime-laden hell hole? According to a new Gallup poll released late August, one-half of Americans view San Francisco as unsafe. And it’s probably worse than their perception.
Another report in August found that San Francisco has had the worst recovery of any city from the pandemic. I know – show me your SHOCKED face.
Is that the City whose values Pelosi touts, where drug addicted street vagrants drop their pants to poop on the street? Maybe Nancy would like to step out of her chauffeured limousine and take a stroll along San Francisco streets as detailed in the official “defecation map.” Or visit the empty shells of the sumptuous retail establishments, boutiques and high end markets she used to frequent. Or try to pick up a prescription at a San Francisco Walgreens… (Are all of them gone now?)
Pelosi has serious insider trading accusations to deal with, leading many to assume she, as with the other elderly members of the House and Senate (Feinstein, McConnell), stick around to manage their dubious dealings. Could they really want to die while in office otherwise?
As I reported in 2021, if the more elderly members of Congress ran for local political offices instead – City Council and County Supervisor seats – they likely would not be elected as local voters would recognize that they had reached an age where they should retire, save for a few vibrant and relevant ones. But tucked away safely in Washington D.C., away from local prying eyes and local scrutiny, these incumbents continue to be reelected.
While most Americans are looking to retire as they near age 65 or 70, it appears members of Congress are just getting warmed up as they age. They’ve been in office so many years, their special interest funders need them to remain. And that is the real priority – special interests, rather than constituents, particularly for members in office for decades.
This is clearly becoming a serious issue. And it’s not a Republican or Democrat thing – it’s an issue in both political parties. These Senior members of Congress hold some of the most important committee positions, yet some probably can’t tell you what they ate for breakfast. They deal with (rather, their senior staff deal with) national security, defense and the military, appropriations, homeland security, judiciary, and are privy to national secrets.
With 90-year old U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reportedly having very public cognitive issues, this is a serious situation. Who is Feinstein’s handler, because surely she has one? Who finishes her sentences for her? Who whispers answers in her ear? Who directs her to the next meeting? Who prepares cheat sheets of notes for her? Who runs interference for Feinstein with the media?
Perhaps most important, who made her 20-year Chinese spy staffer problem go away? How is it that no one in Congress demanded an investigation into her office? Did Nancy or Mitch have anything to do with that?
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) certainly has her own age-related issues, despite some of the best medical care in the world, and an obviously skilled plastic surgeon. As Speaker prior to losing the House to Republicans, to call Pelosi awkward during television interviews was an understatement. She slurred her words, appeared unable to coherently finish a sentence, made weird jerky movements with her hands, and still does that funny thing with her lips over her teeth.
Pelosi loses her temper very quickly when asked a real question, similar to President Joe Biden’s reaction. Pelosi was a very attractive woman for many years, and likely would still be, naturally, if she hadn’t messed with Mother Nature. We all age – there is no cheating the aging process.
And what about Pelosi husband Paul’s DUI misadventure in Napa? Immediately following the odd calamity, Nancy Pelosi’s PR team issued a terse statement: “The Speaker will not be commenting on this private matter which occurred while she was on the East Coast.”
Or what about when Paul Pelosi was assaulted by a man armed with a hammer during a home break-in in San Francisco later that year? Police arrested the suspect and Pelosi was rushed to the hospital. Many people questioned the very odd circumstances between the attacker and Pelosi – none of which was ever concluded publicly… perhaps appropriately.
Shouldn’t the Pelosi’s be enjoying travel, grandkids, their Napa winery, their circle of friends, their “Golden Years,” and writing books about their fascinating lives?
As we previously reported:
The U.S. House of Representatives, with a total of 435 members from 50 states, has 10 members 80 and older.
The U.S. House of Representatives has 21 members between age 75 and 80.
The U.S. House of Representatives has 108 members between ages 65 and 74.
The U.S. Senate, with 101 members from 50 states, has 7 members 80 and older.
The U.S. Senate has 22 members between the ages of 65 and 70, and 21 members between the ages of 70 and 79.
Remember the Washington D.C. pharmacist who said in 2017 that he fills a surprising amount of Alzheimer’s prescriptions for various members of Congress? While it would be good to know who those congressional members were, most of us can take reasonably educated guesses…
Many voters rightfully believe the reason there are so many very elderly members in Congress is because they have decades of dealmaking they need to still cover up after selling their souls for money and power.
But hey – Nancy respectfully asks for your vote.
How many of us look forward to the day when we are finally rid of these corrupt and evil geriatric puppets that the Democrat/RINO globalist uniparty keeps installing into office? It will probably take a cataclysmic event though?
You will just see them replaced with younger versions of the same talking heads.
This strikes me as another slip, a clumsy admission of sorts, an indication, that Pelosi and the Gang think the 2024 fix is in already. Or so they think. Guess we’ll see.
Maybe Paul told her that he doesn’t want her lurking around the house and cutting into his personal life.
Ha HA!
Michael Shallenberger for SF Congressional Rep.
The esteemed author of “San Fransicko” know more about cleaning up this city today, than giving Nancy Pelosi more time to criminally neglect it.
Love it!
Obama leaned on Nancy Pelosi.
Get Newsom out of the way, and open the path for Michelle Obama 2024.
Very interesting
Yes, very interesting indeed. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/tennessee-congressman-predicts-michelle-obama-will-replace-biden-democrat
Is staying in Congress cheaper than paying a good lawyer to fight criminal indictments, once Pelosi loses her Congress member immunities?
Both her and Weiner are at the very top of my sh*t list,
but I think that Scott is an extremely motivated , busy, little bill writing bee
who has unapologetically made California the dangerous butt of the rest of the worlds joke.
Where else can anybody continue to fail upwards with a legislative resume like his.
Of course, he did not do it alone.
His bills are overwhelmingly voted in by our ‘representatives’.
At least, she is mostly in it to get that money for herself and nod along with the rest of them.
Still, it’s a real line ball , though.
State Senator Scott Weiner is owned by the rabid leftist *Alphabet Mafia* lobbyists, lock, stock, and barrel.
Sodom and Gomorrah would reject San Francisco values as too demonic. Hell must look a lot like SF.
Can’t give up the insider trading endorphins, eh, Auntie Nancy???
The woman just cannot let go of her power. She’s addicted. Just one more hit, right Nancy? How sad for her, the people of her district, and the people of this state. Does she think she’ll be able to get the taxpayers to foot the bill for her funeral is she dies in office?
Nancy’s just testing the water with her announcement to run for the House of Representatives in 2024. Her ego couldn’t handle being known as the Junior Representative from California and a lot of other Representatives are glad she’s gone. She could never get the Speaker of the House position again. Nope, she’s really after the BIG SEAT in the BIG HOUSE, the White House, that is.