Gov. Newsom Announces State Aims to ‘Fully Reopen’ Mid-June, But Masks Still Mandatory
Does the governor know more studies find masks are dangerous to your health?
By Katy Grimes, April 6, 2021 3:13 pm
California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday that in 10 weeks or by June 15th, the state “aims to be fully reopened,” but masks will still be mandatory. What started out as two weeks to flatten the curve has turned into 14 months, or more than 420 days.
“When California fully reopens the economy, the Blueprint for a Safer Economy will end,” the governor said. “However, common-sense health measures such as masking will remain across the state. Testing or vaccination verification requirements will remain in relevant settings.”
The state of 40 million residents has already administered more than 20 million vaccine doses – that is one-half of the population.
This is the game Gov. Newsom continues to play – he announces some good news… far into the future, but moves the goalposts from his last announcement, and it always comes with caveats. Other governors have completely reopened states and made mask-wearing optional, without and additional Coronavirus spikes.
In January Gov. Newsom announced he would lift the stay-at-home order for all regions across the state, in place since November. This came with high hopes, along with a lot of skepticism. It turns out that the skeptics won this bet. But the governor also announced at the time, another new measurement, moving the goal posts once again (is this the fifth new measurement?), saying that the he would now be measuring improvements in the state’s capacity projections in another 4-weeks, on February 21st.
Tuesday, Gov. Newsom said “everyday activities will be allowed and businesses can open with common-sense risk reduction measures, including encouraging all Californians to get vaccinated and mandating masking, to prevent illness and promote health.”
“California is able to reopen fully and safely because of our commitment to the equitable distribution of vaccines.”
As for the mask mandate, more and more studies are finding that some face masks being used by members of the general public are laced with toxic chemicals. A doctor known to the Globe forwarded an article which reported, “Preliminary tests have revealed traces of a variety of compounds which are heavily restricted for both health and environmental reasons,” the Daily Mail UK reported. “This includes formaldehyde, a chemical known to cause watery eyes; a burning sensations in the eyes, nose, and throat; coughing; wheezing; and nausea.”
Remember the $1 billion no-bid mask deal Gov. Newsom made for 200 million surgical masks with BYD, a Chinese electric car company new to mask manufacturing?
The Daily Mail continued:
Experts are concerned that the presence of these chemicals in masks which are being worn for prolonged periods of time could cause unintended health issues.
Evidence obtained by Ecotextile News and shared with MailOnline reveals that although face masks should meet specific standards, not all do.
Masks have been mandated in much of the world as they are a highly effective way of preventing transmission of coronavirus particles.
But face coverings designed for use by the general public are not regulated and fail to meet the same standards as medical grade PPE.
Professor Michael Braungart, director at the Hamburg Environmental Institute, conducted tests on masks which had caused people to break out in rashes.
‘What we are breathing through our mouth and nose is actually hazardous waste,’ Professor Braungart said. These used masks were found to contain formaldehyde and other chemicals.
Bottom line: “leading scientists are now questioning whether the real risk of exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals from long-term mask wearing is actually higher than the risk of coming into contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus – especially for children and young adults who are in the low-risk category when it comes to developing severe COVID-19.”
For Gov. Newsom and HHS Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly who insist at every press conference that they are following the science but have never provided evidence of that science, they may want to check in with Canada and Belgium. Last week Canada recalled millions of masks that had already been distributed to schools, transport workers and daycares by the government. Health Canada has warned they may be toxic to the lungs after being urged to inspect the safety of the coverings, DailyMail reported. Health chiefs in Belgium are concerned that 15 million fabric masks given to pharmacists may be toxic and cause pneumonia, according to the Belgian Institute for Public Health.
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Absolute BS
If the State is open fully then there are no more restrictions. No more crazy made up arbitrary guidelines.
keep us masked to sell more vaccines
Keep masks forever if it means Nancy Pelosi has to keep her ugly, evil yap covered!
Seriously though, what the hell is wrong with this state? It defies logic, science, and common sense. Its a laughingstock.
“Masks have been mandated in much of the world as they are a highly effective way of preventing transmission of coronavirus particles.” This is total BS. There is no proven data that any publicly available mask can filter out a 3-5 uM virus particle.
I’m with you. I’m completely fed up and this freak has gotten on my last nerve with his “open to the argument but trusting the science” word salad mantra. We all had more than enough a L-O-N-G time ago.
What’s funny about this (hear my hollow laugh) is you just KNOW Newsom thinks this latest move of his will somehow placate the millions of Californians who want him RECALLED. HA!
Well, I have “positivity” (I hate that word) that by June, he can say there’s another COVID surge not admitting it’s from diseased illegal aliens. It will be “due to” to bad Californian’s not getting vaccinated, not wearing masks in the shower or while eating and shut us down again. I don’t trust a single ahhhh, uhhhh or ummmm out of his sneering mouth.
I just spent 28 days in March in and out of 3 hospitals that culminated in a major surgery. My husband of 38 years was “allowed” to drop me at the door and pick me up at the door all due to political COVID BS. I am freaking OVER it!
Denise, I am sorry you had to go through a stressful medical scare by yourself without your loved one for support. Like many have said on this thread, it is time for us to stop the madness, stand up for your rights. I will tell you when my father was taken by ambulance to the ER four weeks ago, they refused to let me be with him. They told me I had to wait outside at 3am in the morning in an unsafe area. I refused to leave the empty ER and told them they did not have consent to treat my father and if they do any treatments/procedures on him without me there, they will have a large lawsuit on their hands. I just kept saying they do not have consent to do anything. Needless to say, I was escorted back to be with him and all went well after that. It is time for everyone to say NO! It is inhumane to isolate sick noncontagious people from their loved ones, this is not “one size fits all.”
Stacy, I am so sorry to hear about your experience with your father in the ER, but was very happy to read that you insisted upon staying and were immovable in your insistence. Also glad to know that everything turned out well. But you should not have had to go through that during such a scary and stressful time for you and for your father. That this is all so unnecessary only makes it more unacceptable.
I had a similar experience recently at my local hospital. My husband was scheduled for a touchy (and worrisome to me) medical procedure. He was admitted and was to undergo general anesthesia. Naturally I wanted to be nearby while he was prepped and to be nearby later, when he was returned from the procedure, but was told I would have to wait in my car in the parking lot for several hours until they called me. I insisted on being with him and they finally allowed it, although it was made clear that the “privilege” could be taken away at any time. Of course masks had to be worn by all on the premises, and even outdoors in the open air too, and no one was allowed to sit or stand and wait, even outside, on the hospital campus, which is why I was told to sit in my car until called.
Of course, as you say, we’ve heard these stories before, here and elsewhere, and in even more dire and circumstances of loved ones unable to see gravely ill relatives or attend the funerals of loved ones.
Denise, what a nightmare for you. It’s terrible to hear about your experience. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your medical woes and from your mental woes, too.
We HAVE TO drop this COVID insanity. NOW.
People it’s time. Did everyone see the courageous bold Pastor in Canada kicking the police off his church property? He was on the news tonight talking about how he grew up behind the iron curtain and if we don’t stand up NOW we are done. Every business needs to open. Every person needs to take off their masks. Stop complying with tyrants and dictators unless you want this FOREVER. Millions need to take to the streets- it’s the only way to show these dictators that we won’t have it. Do it now. Newsom needs to pay for his crimes against humanity.
What a surprise, I didn’t think he would make that announcement until SOS Weber announced the date of the recall election. I didn’t miss something did I?
I hope we don’t have to show a vaccine passport to vote in person, I will NOT get vaccinated until the mask mandate is over, what would be the point.
Newsome has been a deadly Governor and he is destroying California. His interest is purely political to pull in votes. Interestingly, it seems once the recall became closer to being a reality that’s when he started to dangle the carrot to say the Covid numbers are down and the state could see loosening of the constraints this tyrant put on the people. We the people need to step up and say enough, he needs to remember he was put in office to represent us, “the people”. But, he made his intentions perfectly clear when he was lecturing us to stay home, social distance…blah, blah, blah then he has the audacity to dine at the French Laundry with complete disregard. That should speak loud and clear what this Governor thinks of Californian’s, not much. He continually says he is following science, well I don’t believe a word of that. If that was true then he should have been transparent with the science and shared with us all. The science does not support his shut down of the State but he does not care about that! I do not support him nor did I vote for him, I look forward to the recall and hope California wakes up.
I have a hunch that the next lock down will come when the recall election is held. That is, IF his voter support continues to bleed. Auntie Nancy is watching the polls closely and calling the shots. She made Tom Steyer back off.
Saw another article indicating that some Chinese-sourced masks contain asbestos fibers and are major health hazards…
Screw em – I’ve never worn a cloth mask once, if I’m gonna do political theater, I’ll wear a gaiter and as for a shot? Are you freaking kidding me???
Is this punk Newsom going to wear a mask next time he goes to the French Laundry restaurant?
Truly stunning to witness what abusive excesses Californians willingly accept from someone with a (D) after their name. There just aren’t any words to describe it…but Texans (and the rest of the planet) have never laughed so hard, that part I know.
Newsom is an intelligence asset and Corona is a psyop having nothing to do with disease and everything to do with the US Dollar and International Fascism (known as “globalism” of which Agenda 21 is a portion). Most of our politicians are controlled by intelligence and when they aren’t, the agencies spy on them an subject them to blackmail so that they do what they are told. The propaganda used by the intelligence agencies is especially directed to the left and progressives – because if they knew how they were being manipulated, they would rebel against what is actually a far-right agenda.
The mask thing is such a brilliant psychological warfare tool. It gets people divided, not talking, emotional, scared, distracted, and it remains there as an everpresent symbol that the “invisible hand” of Big Brother is at work.
So why are we waiting until June 15 to open? Wouldn’t it be awesome if a journalist was allowed to ask this question at his press conference? What does “fully open” mean to the one man ruler of CA? Fully open means 50% capacity and swimming outdoors with a mask on? Why are journalist still not allowed to ask legitimate questions for the CA citizens? Why aren’t local elected officials asking these questions?
News flash! Kaitlin Jenner has started his/her possible run for Newsom’s job. Aren’t we lucky to live in the free-est country in the world? Lol.
Newsom is no different than a street hustler playing the shell game.
Keep your eye on the right cup and you are sure to win the big prize, in this case your freedom.
Take your eye off the cup and you get zero, nothing, de nada!
As we are to await the arbitrary date of June 15th, he will pull a fast one.
Why, because that is what a smooth talking hustler does!
I agree with all the comments here and call BS!
I am laughing so hard, thank you CaliGirl! I think you are my long lost sister!
I just might be Stacy????
A sister from another mister.
And I would be happy to call you my sister.
If we cannot laugh then it would just be all tears at this point.
Newsom was caught in July 2020 wiring half a billion dollars to Communist China in massive face mask money laundering scheme. Nobody knows whether these masks also contain formaldehyde and other chemicals? Are they all gone/used up? Can we learn who the manufacturer was and how they were manufactured?
Fully open & masks required are oxymoronic…
Newsom is just moronic….
Dump him….
But don’t replace him with ANY celebrity that has no managerial experience…. Jenner yeah, you…
“Fully Open” He says we’re going to fully open but we still need masks. We’re projected to vaccinating well over half of Californians by summer which is the very definition of herd immunity yet still we need masks. It’s disgusting! Going outside and you still have to see people wear masks. I wanna be able to see people without their masks. Willling to bet you even if we’re “fully open” spineless cowards like local county supervisors, city mayors, and college trustees are still gonna close public areas like adult sports and colleges. Idiotic.