Gov. Gavin Newsom at Phillips Station snowpack Measurement on April 2, 2024 (Photo: www.gov.ca.gov)
What is Gov. Newsom’s California Climate Action Corps and Why is He Expanding It?
A ‘career in sustainability’ means nothing – like saying you have a career in believability or significance
By Katy Grimes, April 26, 2024 2:55 am
California Governor Gavin Newsom, who isn’t running for President, refuses to seriously address what ails his state, instead focusing on shady, unaccountable, immeasurable issues like climate change, and the “equity” hoax. Newsom created the California abortion sanctuary state, legalized abortion/infanticide up until birth, authorized a trans sanctuary state allowing children to receive hormone blockers and chemical castration without parental consent, exacerbated the homeless crisis spending $24 billion only to gain more homeless, says he’s working on the thousands of fentanyl deaths, and has embraced illegal immigration, even providing health insurance for illegal immigrants. Newsom is also on board for the bottomless pit of high speed rail and Delta water tunnel(s), while frequently reminding the state’s residents to stop using so much water and energy.
Now he’s bragging about three new states “teaming up with California,” for his Climate Corps programs.
Newsom says he is “the state’s leadership in pioneering this nation-leading initiative.”
Apparently in “teaming up with California,” new states will be “providing thousands of young people with opportunities for climate action and careers in sustainability.”
A “career in sustainability” means little to nothing. That’s like saying you have a career in believability or significance.
Here is Gov. Newsom’s statement:
“We can’t go it alone in tackling the climate crisis. With these three states launching their own Climate Corps, we’re making climate action a reality in communities representing millions of Americans. Together, we’re mobilizing and organizing citizen climate action at a scale never seen before – and now we’ll begin to see its impact across the nation.”
WHAT CHIEF SERVICE OFFICER JOSH FRYDAY SAID: “When Governor Newsom launched California Climate Action Corps in 2020, we aimed to mobilize and organize civilian climate action at scale and spark similar movements across the country. In a few short years, we have seen thousands of Californians take climate action and their success is inspiring the nation.”
HOW WE GOT HERE: As a part of California’s comprehensive strategy to address the climate crisis, Governor Gavin Newsom created the California Climate Action Corps in 2020 – providing a case study on the success of climate-based and statewide service programs that empower climate action through volunteer and fellowship opportunities.
What is this California Climate Action Corps launched in the middle of Newsom’s Covid lockdowns?
Here is what the Climate Action Corps website says:
In California, climate change is a growing threat to systems and people across the state. The impacts to our environment and health are worsening as we experience longer and more frequent droughts, devastating wildfires, and more. Each of us has a role to play. You can take meaningful action today to help communities across our state.
And just how do we take action?
“Leveraging the power of AmeriCorps to advance climate actions that engage communities, cultivate change, and leave a lasting impact.”
Aha. AmeriCorps is involved. Remember the Kevin Johnson and Barack Obama entanglement in AmeriCorps, when Inspector General Gerald Wallin was fired, which led to the House-Senate Report on IG Firing: Did White House Lawyers and D.C. Public Schools Chief Act to Cover-up Sexual Misconduct with Students by Sacramento Mayor?
Climate Action Corps:
“Creating opportunities to get more involved by connecting people with the community climate action organizations that need support.”
This doesn’t really mean anything unless it is secret Democrat code lingo for how to spread taxpayer money to climate groups.
“Empowering individuals to act at home or in their communities by promoting and supporting accessible, climate actions for everyone.”
“The Governor created California Climate Action Corps, the country’s first state-level, climate service corps to empower all Californians to take meaningful action to safeguard the climate.”
None of this really means anything. But it’s clearly some sort of slush fund devised to redistribute wealth – i.e. taking more money from the middle class.
But Wait! There’s more!
You can participate in “Community Climate Action Days” which “are an opportunity for Californians to work on projects that will protect their communities against the harshest impacts of climate change while improving quality of life and access to green spaces.”
What exactly are those harshest impacts of climate change? California Climate Action Corps says:
“In California, climate change is a growing threat to systems and people across the state. The impacts to our environment and health are worsening as we experience longer and more frequent droughts, devastating wildfires, and more.”
But they don’t say what these impacts are, so how do they know “our environment and health are worsening?” Because we aren’t experiencing “longer and more frequent droughts, devastating wildfires, and more.”
Let’s backup to the creation of California Climate Action Corps:
On Sep 24, 2020 (While Californians were locked snug in their homes during Newsom’s Covid lockdown) “Governor Gavin Newsom announced the launch of California Climate Action Corps, the country’s first statewide corps of its kind with the mission of empowering Californians to take meaningful action to protect their homes, health and communities against the harshest impacts of climate change.”
The announcement “follows the Governor’s historic action the day before directing the state to require that, by 2035, all new cars and passenger trucks sold in California be zero-emission vehicles – joining 15 countries that have already committed to phase out gasoline-powered cars and using our market power to push zero-emission vehicle innovation and drive down costs for everyone.”
And who runs this illustrious Climate Action Corps?

Josh Fryday (far left in photo) serves as California’s Chief Service Officer within the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom to lead service, volunteer, and civic engagement efforts throughout California.
As a member of the Governor’s Cabinet, Fryday leads California Volunteers.
Fryday led the COVID-19 Task Force to support food insecure communities and food banks across the state.
Fryday is the former Mayor of Novato, his hometown (in Marin County). He also served as President of Golden State Opportunity, leading the expansion and implementation of the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC). He served as Chief Operating Officer for NextGen Climate, a leading national organization focused on climate change, founded by Tom Steyer.
All of this led to Gov. Newsom announcing this week:
“States Boost Earth Day Impact with Climate Corps Expansion.”
Newsom is expanding his Climate Corps?
“Illinois, New Mexico and Vermont join 10 Climate Corps states by teaming up with California to provide more opportunities for climate action and careers in sustainability.”
More careers in sustainability…
“These new states represent a powerful network of leaders committed to engaging more Americans in climate action. The state-level Climate Corps will engage people through a variety of activities and create job pathways for careers in sustainability. Current states that have launched state-level Climate Corps include Arizona, California, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Utah and Washington. Many of these programs have already experienced early success.
Once again we have “a variety of activities and create job pathways for careers in sustainability.”
Is Gavin Newsom creating a Climate Corps army?
Nothing is as breathtaking as the Climate Crisis Scam. Newsom and the other actors are funneling billions into “ Coastal Resilience “ here too. According to NOAA the sea level has risen 6 whole inches since 1950 ! This is all just a money laundry with NGOs and politicians. Heartbreaking.
Referencing piers at a family member’s Orange County Bay front residence that were installed during1966, the ocean level has not risen.
Oh man! If only I had it to do all over again and could have chosen a rewarding career in “sustainability,” or even the lesser-known “believability” or “significance.” (!!!) Those lucky Gen Z-ers, what an opportunity! I’m so envious, they’ll have the world by the tail, a world they will have SAVED from disaster, and WHAT a contribution they will make. Good thing we even HAVE a “climate crisis,” and we really need to spend more time being thankful for it —- otherwise there would be no jobs for these young people!
Wow. Have Gavin Newsom and his cronies finally lost their minds? And has Gavin given up speaking English entirely? This buzzword-filled stuff is not even understandable anymore. Jeepers, I hate to be cynical, but is that the goal? Maybe these guys have no choice but to invent a new language when they’re bent on disguising more and more and more slush funds and redistributing more and more wealth?
But I wonder. Will this stuff even fly? It’s hard to imagine, but I guess if you’re a dictator like Newsom with plenty of on-the-job experience choking the life out of the residents of the once-Golden State of California you probably believe you can pull it off. Next stop the White House! It’s like a Cinderella story. Sure hope somebody has been filming it for the long-awaited Gavin Newsom bio-pic.
In California we are swimming in lies and drowning in problems and THIS is what Gavin & Co. spend their time on. Wow.
Showandtell, unfortunately Newsom and his cronies have not lost their minds. It’s far more sinister than that. They are taking advantage of the fact that climate paranoia has become a bona fide cult religion. I am using anthropology’s description of religion as it relates to human behavior. Climate paranoia checks all of anthropology’s check boxes with respect to religion. For the record, I was a PhD candidate in anthropology. I did very well in graduate school but ran out of money. Newsom might as well be wearing a hooded black robe and burning climate skeptics at the stake for their heresy. We are simply back in the Dark Ages. California invokes climate in all legislation and policy, thereby making it immune from any challenges or criticism.
Fed Up – Congratulations for what you WERE able to achieve in your graduate studies in anthropology. Must be frustrating to have to put it aside for such a reason. Hope the interruption will be a temporary one.
And oh yes, definitely agree with you, “green” is a religious cult for many, maybe most who champion it. Years ago I attended a few of my city’s “Environmental Advisory Commission” meetings to report for a local blog. The city hoped the commission would rubber stamp an agenda of sketchy items they wanted to sneakily insert into the city code. An old trick to fool the public into thinking the changes came from your fellow citizens and not from the city. The commission’s proceedings were unintentionally comical, in that most of the commission members knew NOTHING about energy or water issues but were merely “Friends of the Mayor.” (But that’s another story for another day.)
But get this (and I know you won’t be surprised): The meetings began with a chosen audience member reading excerpts from the Kyoto Accords! Like it was a religious invocation and he was reading from scripture! There were also frequent references to “Gaia.” As I’m sure you can well imagine. And heaven forbid anyone should say a discouraging word against their green religious beliefs. I was completely convinced then that the whole climate change-global warming hoax was equal to a religion for those who believed in it.
Showandtell – Ah, yes. And let’s not forget Agenda 21, a previous evil globalist shakedown scheme.
As Katy Grimes suggested, no doubt this is just a scam to spread taxpayer money to climate non-profits connected with the Democrat party and to create an army of brainwashed youth who’ll do the bidding of Newsom and the criminal Democrat mafia? Much like youth in communist China were required to recite passages from dictator Mao Tse-tung’s little red book of quotations, maybe Newsom’s climate Action Corp youth will be required to have an app on their phones that will require them to recite the inane climate quotations of dictator Newsom?
And YES.
Just as the Peace Corp, created by JFK, became the perfect cover for CIA ops and drug dealers, the so-called Climate Corp will be the perfect cover for Democrat ballot harvesting operations. Especially, when they have a group of 10 million illegal migrants already in the country, to work with.
Great point, Raymond. Ballot harvesting and probably more (Please NO!) through the involvement of sketchy, scandal-plagued, and partisan AmeriCorps, apparently, an unfortunately still-alive organization that Katy Grimes referenced above.
We can’t change climate but we sure can fortify our infrastructure against climate change. CA is focused in the wrong direction, again. China is building 2 new coal-fired power plants per week until 2030 to provide the electricity for all their EVs. The supply of rain water and snow in CA is bound to become more variable in the future so building water infrastructure is the way to go. Building 2 tunnels under the Delta is a brilliant idea, especially to collect water in years of excess water runoff. This last winter, the state released trillions of gallons of rainwater into the Pacific because there was no place to store it. I remember the Sites reservoir near Sacramento being planned in the 1960s. It is still not built. When is the public going to realize that our politicians in Sacramento are just plain incompetent.
Incompetent? It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the criminal Democrat mafia that controls the state and their RINO cronies are deliberately creating power and water shortages so that they can exercise more control Californians by rationing power and water?
This is TRUTH, TJ… The local water authority mandated drastic cutbacks over the last couple of years, and most complied, allowing their lawns to be replaced with hideous artificial turf (paid for by OUR tax dollars and water fees) and now that we’ve had a second abundant rainfall and usage has declined significantly, they are CHARGING FLAT FEES to “recoup our fixed costs” due to “UNDER-UTILIZATION”…
And we, as rate-payers, are POWERLESS to do anything about this…
We are damned if we do, damned if we don’t, but not DAMMED to capture all of the bountiful RAINFALL that California has been blessed with for the last two winters…
But we will soon be blasted with more “conservation” messaging by Governor Period Fullstop and his water-board minions who will be opening the reservoirs to release any overage, or to cool the downstream water-flows to save salmon or some other cockamamie scheme to create water shortages and bankrupt agriculture and/or ranchers….
Truly evil and despicable, corrupt legislation…..
He’s padding his work history to make it appear as if he’s making a difference. Two years ago he funneled $50 million to the Kern Community College District (KCCD) to establish the so-called California Renewable Energy Lab (CREL). This was accomplished via an earmark requested by outgoing Assemblyman Rudy Salas to try to pad his list of accomplishments in his campaign against David Valadao. Salas lost. The hefty donation also served to pad the accomplishments of KCCD chancellor Sonya Christian, who eventually was selected for her current role as Chancellor of the entire California Community College system. Despite the $50 million budget, CREL has accomplished nothing and is managed by a former Bakersfield College psychology professor.
We didn’t have wild fires before 1990 because we had a great logging industry that cleared the forests and keep them under control. We all need to thank our ancestors for understanding that the area will go through rain or drought years, so they built reservoirs to store the water to use in the drought years. It is the same mentality that is being used on the homeless. They claim it is a housing project but in reality it is a drug and mental illness problem. I don’t understand that the liberals’ are said be be compassionate and yet they allow the poor souls continue to live in filth and addicted to drugs on the streets instead of helping them get off the drugs and helping control there mental illness.
AMEN Dennis — YES 🙂
Sounds like a Democrat brain washing operation and political action army funded by the taxpayers. Will they wear Brown shirts or is Green the new Brown?
What will they actually do? Let air out of SUV tires or worse?
CW – I keep hearing ads for something the state is pushing called “Neighbor to Neighbor” that I’m sure is part of the nonsense Katy Grimes covered here. So that faction of misguided do-gooders will probably be knocking on your door and nagging you to death about the “climate crisis” under the guise of “connecting” with you as a “neighbor.” Egad I am SO SICK of these people.
Yes, ha ha, Green is definitely the new Brown.
I hear they are given a case of tomato soup once they are hired. 😉
Ha ha, CW —- YES, lock up the priceless art work, you museums and ultra-wealthy people! The canned tomato soup brats are coming for YOU. But, never fear, they’ll be easy to catch once they Crazy Glue themselves to the marble floor or the pavement outside 🙂
My dream is to yell “release the Rottweilers” at one of these “glue ins”. Just imagine the hilarity.
Newsom is the laziest, most incompetent governor this state has ever seen. The state is falling apart, and he hasn’t done anything. He’s off on boondoggles. Newsom might as file for unemployment, because he doesn’t seem to have a job and show up for work.
Until the balloting system is returned to the voters, public policy will be more like being pecked to death by ducks.
These “corps” are designed to increase the micromanagement that will be guiding you in doing everything their way from what car you can drive to the “proper” sexuality of your children.
They are little Hitlers with laptop computers and the entire state is their personal Dachau experiment.