California Governor Gavin Newsom (then Lieutenant Governor) riding in the Golden State Warriors Parade in Oakland, CA, Jun. 12, 2018. (Photo: Amir Aziz/Shutterstock)
Gov. Newsom Signs New Executive Order To Help Retain Water Against Extreme Weather Events
Order continues to make it harder for farmers to get additional needed water
By Evan Symon, February 13, 2023 9:07 pm
Governor Gavin Newsom signed an new executive order on Monday to help retain water in the state against future droughts.
According to a press release released by the Governor, the new executive order came about as a direct response to both the mega-drought that has occurred in California for the last several years, as well as mega-storms last month that helped refill reservoirs across the state and boosted snowpack levels well above 200% in mountain ranges.
The order specifically keeps many drought and rain emergency orders made in the past few years in effect that protect water reserves and expand how much water can be brought to reservoirs during rainier times. The Department of Water Resources, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife will also be allowed to continue expediting water releases and recharge projects.
In addition, the Water Board can modify water release and diversion limitations in the state to conserve water upstream later in the year in order to protect cold water pools for salmon and steelhead, enhance instream conditions for fish and wildlife, improve water quality, protect carry-over storage, ensure minimum health and safety water supplies, and provide opportunities to maintain or to expand water supplies north and south of the Delta. New groundwater wells, or modifying existing wells, will also need new permissions under the order from a groundwater sustainability agency.
“To protect water supply and the environment given this new reality, and until it is clear what the remainder of the wet season will hold, the executive order includes provisions to protect water reserves, and replace and replenish the greater share of rain and snowfall that will be absorbed by thirstier soils, vegetation and the atmosphere,” the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom said on Monday.
“The order helps expand the state’s capacity to capture storm runoff in wet years by facilitating groundwater recharge projects. It also continues conservation measures and allows the State Water Board to reevaluate requirements for reservoir releases and diversion limitations to maximize water supplies north and south of the Delta while protecting the environment. Additionally, the order directs state agencies to review and provide recommendations on the state’s drought response actions by the end of April, including the possibility of terminating specific emergency provisions that are no longer needed, once there is greater clarity about the hydrologic conditions this year.”
Water control experts noted on Monday that the Executive Order will lead to more water restrictions later this year.
“In layman’s terms, the Executive Order is giving more power to different agencies and will bring on more restrictions later this year,” Jack Wesley, a water systems consultant for farms and multi-family homes, explained to the Globe on Monday. “They’re projecting another hot, dry summer, but we also have more rain coming most likely, and a lot of snow to help replenish the state later this year. If you’re in a city or suburb, this won’t affect you too, too much, except for probably more restrictions this year, like not washing your car or broken up watering times.”
“For people in more rural and agricultural areas, it’s a bit more of a problem. It’s already a pain to dig a new well there, so with this it will be even harder now. But the bigger thing is state agencies deciding more on water releases and solidifying that hated part that protects fish above farms. And most people already know what that means – farms getting hit with the brunt of it.
“The order sorta makes sense in that, yes, if it is a drought year we do need to protect the water we have. But they are making a lot of assumptions right now and are once again ignoring important sectors.”
Other drought control measures are expected to be put into place across the state later this year.
Newsollini (aka Hair gel Hitler) issues a lame brain executive order that does little to increase water storage.
How does allowing the Department of Water Resources, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife to continue expediting water releases retain water? Democrat Gov. Newsom’s executive order is more about retaining water for fish habitats rather than retaining water for human and agricultural use? Most of the water from rain and snow melt will continue to flow out to the ocean?
Because Newsom and his ilk have been pulling these agricultural (and other) water cutbacks for decade, maybe longer, the evidence is in (duh) that this is being done on purpose to starve farmers of water. Our thoroughly reprehensible “leadership” (Gavin et al) won’t be happy until farmers are forced to fallow every acre in California.
Who needs checks and balances, when Gov Gav Newsolini has the power of the pen?
If we were truly a republic, this would be debated in the legislature and both parties could present facts and argue the real needs of this state.
Gov Gav is a disgrace and only works for special interests, evidenced once again with his decrees!
In other words all the water we got this winter is off limits “for the environment”. I am going to throw a party the day this traitor gets his billet at GITMO.
“To protect water supply and the environment given this new reality”
I am absolutely sick and tired of the Democrats portraying themselves as environmentalists. They are the biggest liars. How do they explain going to court to block environmental regulations, because it put a crimp in their bullet train project? How do they explain they passed SB9 and SB10 which specifically exempts environmental regulations for building secondary housing units in single family home zoning?
Democrats are only environmentalists if it can be used for their political objectives. Otherwise, it’s out the windows.
@ProtectFreedom, speaking truth!
Looks like our “Young Global Leader” Class of ’95 World Economic Forum minion is following his orders from Klaus Schwab and the other globalists to deplete any farming resources, in order to force their New World Order/Central Planning/Communist takeover of the global economy….
Just like the Dutch farmers, this jackwagon is doing everything that he can to impede farmers and the food supply that used to be a key part of California’s economy….
Some good points made above – when do “We The People” demand that these edicts be publicly debated and not farmed out to Newsom’s NGO partners???
I sware the damn RIGHT leaners are ever bit as bad as the LEFT leaners. I am 5th generation Roseville, Ca and my uncle was 1 of the organizers of the PCWA (Placer County water agency). I was here before Folsom Dam was built. I have had to watch that dam be drained too many times in January for fear of flooding from future storms that never come. This year they were draining when there was 350K acre feet, when capacity is nearly 1mil acre feet. For too long, the Water Resources Board has been mandated to use the dam for flood control only, not as water storage. I haven’t read the actual “executive order”, but when I see this “To protect water supply and the environment given this new reality, and until it is clear what the remainder of the wet season will hold, the executive order includes provisions to protect water reserves” and this ” allows the State Water Board to reevaluate requirements for reservoir releases and diversion limitations to maximize water supplies” We can only hope this actually means they will allow our reservoirs to fill to near capacity. It would be the 1st thing Newsome ever did right. Only time will tell. Now declare a State of Emergency for our forests, in order to maintain them properly without having to allow environmental groups filing lengthy lawsuits that block every f*****g forest management project. 1more thing, build reservoirs on Cosumnes for storage and flood control. Lastly, Get that SOB out of California, but never to the White House!!!!!!!!