In Juarez, Mexico, migrants mainly from Venezuela seek asylum at Mexico-US border, May 13, 2023. (Photo: David Peinado Romero/Shutterstock)
Make California Safe Again: California’s Sanctuary State Law Puts Everyone in Danger
SB 54 allows criminal illegal aliens back into society
By Katy Grimes, December 3, 2024 7:54 am
California Democrats would rather fight against Donald Trump than concern themselves with the safety and security of the state’s residents. So how did California become a sanctuary state?
In 2017, opportunistic California Democrats authored bills to counter the immigration executive orders to protect Americans, of President Donald J. Trump – in violation of Trump’s constitutional authority.
In 2017, then-Senate President Pro Tem De León, D-Los Angeles, the author of Senate Bill 54, claimed that “immigrants are valuable and essential members of the California community” and all attempts to enforce immigration laws create fear of the police among “immigrant community members” who fear “approaching police when they are victims of, and witnesses to, crimes.”
According to De León:
The purpose of this bill is to protect the safety and well-being of all Californians by ensuring that state and local resources are not used to fuel mass deportations, separate families, and ultimately hurt California’s economy.
SB 54 limits state and local law enforcement agencies involvement in immigration enforcement and ensures that eligible individuals are able to seek services from and engage with state agencies without regard to their immigration status. It also turned California into a sanctuary state.
At the time waves of refugees were still coming to the United States from Syria and Iraq under the Obama administration. California Democrats completely denied there could be national security issues, in favor of political opportunism once Trump took office.
California was then and still is home to the largest illegal-alien population in the country, initially with 35 sanctuary cities, morphing into the full state as a sanctuary, courtesy of California’s Democrat lawmakers.
President-elect Trump vowed to build a border wall in his first term, and deport immigrants with a criminal record, which he estimated at the time to be two-three million. Today that number could be 10 times larger.
Several bills authored by Senate Democrats in the California State Legislature were meant to be a thumb in the eye of President Donald J. Trump over immigration laws.
SB 6 by Democrat Sen. Ben Hueso, titled “Due Process for All,” signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, created a state program to fund legal representation for illegal aliens facing deportation. AB 3 proposed by then-Assemblyman Rob Bonta, would have created taxpayer-funded training for defense attorneys and public defenders on immigration law for illegal aliens. AB 3 did not pass.
The third bill, SB 54 by Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Kevin de León, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, now restricts local police and sheriffs from working with federal immigration enforcers. SB 54 prohibits law enforcement from responding to federal requests for notification when a jail houses someone who might be the subject of an immigration enforcement action. Whether the immigrants are here legally or not, and whether they have committed crimes in the United States, this bill effectively prohibits communications between local law enforcement and federal authorities.
SB 54 specifically prohibits almost all cooperation and communication with federal immigration authorities.
Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Kevin de León and California Democrats essentially block state and local resources from being used for illegal alien/immigration enforcement.
According to Hans von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, (also from 2017), “While there are many areas over which the states and the federal government share responsibility, immigration is not one of them.”
He continues:
“there are a long series of decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the authority of prior presidents under this provision and severely limiting the ability of the courts to review the president’s decision.”
“Unfortunately, at the urging of certain states, the courts have in large part ignored the Constitution, federal law, and prior precedents. They are instead substituting their judgment for that of the president, and enjoining the president’s executive order by implementing a temporary halt to entry from certain terrorist safe havens.”
“Sanctuary cities are trying to prevent federal officials from finding out about criminal alien murderers, rapists, and other violent criminals that these cities would apparently rather release than have picked up and deported so they cannot further victimize Americans.”
But they do it anyway. However, the federal government can withhold federal grants and funds to cities/states that withhold information.
“Quite appropriately, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that he will not award any discretionary federal grants from the Justice Department to cities that violate §1373,” von Spakovsky said. “Seattle has filed suit, claiming that the federal government has no right to cut off its access to discretionary funding. The city also makes the meritless claims that its policy does not violate federal immigration law.”
“8 U.S.C. §1373 prohibits states and local jurisdictions from preventing their law enforcement officials from exchanging information with federal officials on the citizenship status of individuals they have arrested or detained. The Supreme Court upheld this provision in 2012 in Arizona v. United States.”
Proponents of SB 54 claimed that Trump’s executive order was just more racial profiling, and California’s long-standing history of welcoming immigrants overrides illegal immigration enforcement – conflating legal immigrants and illegal aliens.
Democrats ignored concerns about illegal alien dangerous felons being released back into communities to cause more heinous crimes, similar to what happened to Kate Steinle, who was murdered by a five-time deported criminal illegal alien.
Would local law enforcement be able to assist ICE only in cases of criminal illegal aliens?
“It’s not necessary,” de León said. “There is nothing stopping ICE from getting the individual.”
Committee Chairwoman Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) said “the state of California will not be compliant with authoritarian policies.”
From the Bill:
SB-54 would, among other things, prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies and school police and security departments from using resources to investigate, detain, detect, report, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes, or to investigate, enforce, or assist in the investigation or enforcement of any federal program requiring registration of individuals on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national or ethnic origin, as specified. The bill would require state agencies to review their confidentiality policies and identify any changes necessary to ensure that information collected from individuals is limited to that necessary to perform agency duties and is not used or disclosed for any other purpose, as specified. The bill would require public schools, hospitals, and courthouses to establish and make public policies that limit immigration enforcement on their premises and would require the Attorney General, in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, to publish model policies for use by those entities for those purposes.
SB 54 passed the California Legislature entirely along party lines, Gov. Jerry Brown signed it into law, and turned California into a sanctuary state.
It’s time to Make California Safe Again.
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What was that group on television at the capitol holding pre-printed banners?
Banners reading (in blue) Sanctuary is Good or some other nonsense.
Who organized that and paid for the signs?????
MSN and Bonta trying to dupe the voting public again!??
Senate bill SB 54 brought to you by the same guy who cannot recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Also the same guy who has no idea how a gun operates but claims he is somewhat of an expert and therefore is qualified to mess with the rights of gun owners in California.
He apparently has no idea what is a Californian. Hint, hint, answer: a legal American citizen, who has legal rights and protections under the constitution. Illegal border crossers do not share the same rights and should be escorted out, humanely of course!
You appear to be complaining about Governor Brown, but apparently you don’t know how the Constitution works. per the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment undocumented immigrants have constitutionally protected rights just like everyone else which makes it so important that we uphold the California value fact and ensure rights of due process for our undocumented immigrants.
The Democrats have been acting like little children after the election, kicking and screaming. Newsom is the biggest baby of all. It’s hard to believe these are the people elected to run our state. Of course, they really aren’t running about state, because they are completely unable to make adult decisions and California has been run into the ground.
It was the criminal Democrat mafia in the legislature most of whom are aligned with the cartels who decreed California to be a sanctuary state for illegals and no doubt most Californians who are proud U.S. citizens and fed up taxpayers would vote to end it if California had honest elections?
I think there has been a sea change in the electorate. Sanctuary policies are too unsafe and too expensive. Politicians and a political media have hidden those costs and statistics in the past, but now, they will get more and more publicity as legal cases challenging these policies wind their way through our courts. Meanwhile Latinos and Asian Americans have abandoned the Democrats. African-American voters now see immigrants as threatening their jobs. The bottom line? No longer can a California politician run for a national office with sanctuary policies on their resume. This will bring about change.
SB 54 must be dumped, and the sooner the better. Can it happen? Please yes? It’s no secret that most of the Dem Marxist CA leadership has been bat$%&@ CRAZY, not to mention enthusiastic bottom-feeders for many many years when it comes to this stuff, willingly going along with anything and everything that results in harm and even death for the actual taxpaying citizenry, while protecting the interests of illegal aliens, including violent criminal illegal aliens. You know, because the goal is to supply warm bodies for a number of reasons that benefit the Dem politicians. One is that they are allowed to register to vote (e.g. Motor Voter), which produces mail-in ballots which can then be collected and transported to and filled out by public employee union robot-people in a boiler room for the election cheat that keeps Dems in power in CA.
P.S. Good News, Bad News: People in other parts of the state may not be aware that former Sacramento bigshot Kevin Deleon was eventually reduced to sitting on L.A. City Council, although people may remember the scandal in which he and other council members were caught on tape horsetrading about council districts to ensure continued power for THEMSELVES. Less important, but more headline-producing, they indulged in “racist” talk. This was a set-up by union operatives to eventually rid the 15-member council of unserious commies and bring in serious ones. Two council members resigned but Kevin stayed.
The good news is that Kevin lost his last election, so he may have to sell Amway until he can find another political gig. The bad news (for L.A. residents) is that he lost to someone who is a serious commie, not a politically-expedient one like Kevin is, and the new councilwoman (I forget her name) has the potential to be much more dangerous than puppet Kevin was. sigh
We repeatedly reached out to Tim McOsker and Janice Hahn (LA County councilman and Supervisor) against this. They dont care. They voted the way they wanted to. This is going to continue until we vote these people OUT. They forget we voted em in and we can vote em out. Dont take our money and use if for your own agendas.
I can assure you neither live in areas that have illegal alien crime. Just us taxpayers.
“According to De León:
The purpose of this bill is to protect the safety and well-being of all Californians by ensuring that state and local resources are not used to fuel mass deportations, separate families, and ultimately hurt California’s economy.”
English translation : “ultimately hurt California’s economy” is Democrat dog-whistle-speak for “hurt our quid-pro-quo Democrat voting capabilities from generations of grateful immigrants who are given as much as possible in exchange for their votes.”
One one hand this goes against my sense of federalism and state’s rights, but I believe it needs to be done. I have contacted my elected representative in Washington with a recommendation that Title 8, 1324 needs to have the following provision added: That immigration is a federal issue and that federal code overides state code, that laws, regulations and such that is contradictory and seeks to violate federal immigration code is null and void, and that anyone in state and local governments who obstructs or seeks to prosecute any law enforcement employee for complying with federal immigration law or assisting federal immigration agencies is guilty of a federal felony with not less than 10 years of confinement in a federal penitentiary. Further, federal immigration law is rooted in the safety of citizens and the security of the nation. I would encourage everyone to contact their elected representatives in Washington with this suggestion.
Yes, yes, YES.
Why can’t we start a petition to recall SB 52?